Giant Gorgonians and Long Nose Hawkfish

Divers and underwater photographers have a bit of a soft spot for Oxycirrhites typus, the Long Nose Hawkfish.  Any fish that has its own hand signal (a gesture with one hand, reaching away from the face to suggest a long nose) has clearly...

A new Silver Dollar species

Myloplus lucienae is a new species of "silver dollar" (AKA Myleus, AKA pacu) from Brazilian Amazon. While resembling piranhas (also of the family Serrasalmidae), Myloplus are peaceful but voracious herbivores.

Top Ten Fish Discoveries of 2016

On Monday, I counted down a top ten list of new reef fishes described in the last year, and in this list we’ll be reminiscing over a few more of 2016’s biggest finds. There were so many incredible new discoveries, many of which were made thanks to the tireless efforts...

Featured Coral of the Week – Darth Maul Porites

Do you have a Holy Grail coral? AKA, a nub of something exotic that you have to have?  Well, I can tell you that I have plenty of those on my wish list.  Sometimes I actually get a chance to acquire that Holy Grail coral at a price that I am willing to pay. The Darth Maul Porites (po-rite-ees) is one such coral for me. While browsing forums, I came across a lovely ruby colored SPS that was called the Darth Maul Porites. Hobbyists were trying different lighting intensities and spectrums in an effort to get their frags to maintain the jewel tone that it is known for. We see many green and blue corals in the hobby, but a red, pink, yellow or orange

The hardiest fish in the world?

The Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus (AKA Mummichog) is a North American fish that not only can survive highly variable salinity, temperature fluctuations from 6 to 35 °C (43 to 95 °F), and nearly anoxic (oxygen-less) water, but can withstand toxic levels 8,000 times more lethal than other fish can survive.