Orphek OR 120 Bar LED Bars at EasternMarine Aquariums

EasternMarine Aquariums is one of the largest marine livestock importers in New Zealand and Orphek has shared information about their setup and decision to use the OR 120 light bars over some of their aquariums. In order to grow and enhance colors fast with both low heat and cost they chose Orphek’s newest launch – The Orphek Bar LED Lights. In the past most coral farms and retail shops typically used T5 fluorescent lighting as their lighting source. But as times have changed so has the technology. After a lengthy testing phase with the OR 120 LED Bars, the lights produced amazing results according to EasternMarine Aquariums. As a result of their testing process, they decided to switch away from T5 lighting and go with the more cost effective

IceCap 1k Pump Review

Last year, Icecap acquired the patent for Maxspect’s revolutionary gyre, which provides linear water movement, and released their own iteration of the 3k version. What was the difference between Maxspect’s pump and the Icecap version? …

The Benefits of Ozone in Aquariums

Some of the most fascinating aspects of owning and maintaining an aquarium involve the vivid colors and intriguing shapes of the coral, fish and other living organisms that you select. Whether filled with Boseman’s Rainbowfish, German Blue Rams or Flowerhorn Cichlids, you’re going to want to protect the inhabitants of the indoor fish tank that decorates your living space or entertains guests at the restaurant, bar or hotel that you own. You may already know that there are several factors that come into play when sustaining a healthy environment for aquatic plants and other marine life. However, when dealing with your viewing experience and the efficiency of an aquarium system, there is no denying the significant role that water quality plays in the scheme of things. And