Kenneth Wingerter

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Aquarium Fish: Reconsidering the Lookdown (Selene vomer)

Aquarium Fish: Reconsidering the Lookdown (Selene vomer)

The family Carangidae (jacks and their kin) is a widely distributed, mainly tropical and subtropical, group of rather burly, roving, predatory fishes. On account of its relatively small size and relatively peaceful disposition, the lookdown (Selene vomer (Linnaeus, 1758)) is arguably among the most desirable–and suitable–members of this group for use in the home aquarium.…

Aquarium Fish: Reconsidering the Sand Tilefishes

Aquarium Fish: Reconsidering the Sand Tilefishes

In the last few decades, aquarists have steadily refined marine fishkeeping. These innovations include improved collection/handling/shipping procedure, more effective aquarium water filtration/treatment technologies, and a better understanding of marine fish nutrition/immunology, as well as a growing preference for systems that are specialized for keeping the flora and fauna of distinct ecological communities (biotope aquaria, if you will).…

Media Review: An Overview of the Aquarium Science Program: Unique Opportunities to Receive Training and Accreditation for a Professional Career in the Aquarium Industry

Media Review: An Overview of the Aquarium Science Program: Unique Opportunities to Receive Training and Accreditation for a Professional Career in the Aquarium Industry

A surge in the number, size, and diversity of public aquarium, aquaculture, and ornamental fish industries has persisted since the early part of the last decade. This rapid expansion has accelerated the pace of technological and methodological advancements in the care of captive aquatic plants and animals; as such it has promoted a commensurate increase in the value of practical knowledge within each growing and emerging field of aquarium science.…

Short Take: Prospective Livestock for the Temperate Marine Aquarium: A Photo Essay

Short Take: Prospective Livestock for the Temperate Marine Aquarium: A Photo Essay

Despite having enjoyed a long history within public institutions, temperate marine aquarium keeping is yet restricted to a small (though enthusiastic) body of hobbyists. Notwithstanding a considerable marginalization by the momentous demand for tropical reef aquaria since the late-1980’s, temperate aquaria have recently garnered a marked increase in popular and commercial attention.…