Randy Holmes-Farley

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Aquarium Chemistry: Solutions To pH Problems

Aquarium Chemistry: Solutions To pH Problems

Aquarists spend a considerable amount of time and effort worrying about, and attempting to solve, apparent problems with the pH of the water in their tanks. Some of this effort is certainly justified, as true pH problems can lead to poor animal health.…

Chemistry and the Aquarium: Calcium

Chemistry and the Aquarium: Calcium

Calcium is one of the most talked about ions in reef tanks. It is critical for the formation of a variety of structures, including the skeletons and shells of many corals and other organisms. This article is the first of several that will provide a detailed chemical understanding of calcium in seawater, calcium in supplements of various kinds, calcium in biological structures, calcium in various types of rock and sand, the effect of calcium on other ions like phosphate, how organisms take up and deposit calcium, and the monitoring of calcium in tanks.…