by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
Hector’s Goby, also known as Hector’s Hover Goby, has a bluish-black body with bright yellow horizontal stripes and an eyespot on the dorsal fin. A 20 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of hiding places is suitable for this fish.… by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
The Engineer goby is also commonly referred to as the Convict Goby. It is in a separate family from the gobies and blennies. Its markings change throughout its life. Consistently, the colors involved are dark blue to black on... by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
A small goby that will usually sit on SPS corals and doesn’t move. They will lay eggs on the underside of SPS corals which can hurt the coral. They also are know to take bites out of the SPS so you need to take care when putting one in your tank.… by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
Like all the other Watchman gobies, the Yellow Watchmen are very territorial and will guard their area. They may form a symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp; because of this they need sand and rocks, where they live out of a hole.… by Josh Saul | Jun 27, 2016
The Catalina Goby is considered one of the most beautiful gobies. It has a bright red body with a vivid blue mask and vertical stripes on the front half of its body, and the tail has a yellow tint. This species is very peaceful and will not harm other fish, corals, or...