a point regarding the politics of the industry- no one pointed this one out yet, so:
i'm with the school that claims that other industries(tourism,dead coral deco's,industry)probably create more overall environmental damage than the aquarium collection side.i still feel that does not excuse us from the moral obligation to conduct our related activities in as moral and self sustaining a way as is possible.
my fear is this-the other industries have more economic clout, and more power in the lobbying areas than we do.our hobby is fairly high profile in the public's eye regarding reef health, irrespective of whether we really constitute a major player or not, in these conservation issues(maybe because of efforts on behalf of the other industries, who knows?)many, i'm sure would be happy to see us continue to be percieved as such, for it removes the 'microscope' from their backyards.
at the very least, we owe it to ourselves to keep our impact as beyond reproach as possible, in order to keep other industries interests from painting us as the scapegoat, whether or not we should be.
maybe a parrot does eat more sps's than collection does, and maybe nature's law usually means that a pair of animals is replaced by only a pair-it still doesn't justify not making an attempt to collect wildlife in a more responsible manner than is presently practiced.
the argument of the amount of fry survival is flawed, however- for all of the non survivor's lost from collecting reproductive individuals represent food sources for other individuals/species-who can say how many dominoes are affected by removing a reproducing tang-the number is higher than if a juvenile is removed, though.
kudo's to bornemann, et al, for at least making the attempt,whether flawed or not, to collect the info needed, so we can make sure our own house is in order, or will be-then maybe the other houses can be looked at!-at least we can then know for sure that our consciences are clean, and we are the moral and responsible minded people i would think we'd all like to be able to claim to be.
nothing would make me happier, as both a salt and fresh water hobbyist, to know i can be justified in being smug about the moral character of my hobby/sometime proffesion.