That pretty well sums it up
Taz, you have to be careful when comparing the effect of a fixed magnet and MRI. I, too, have experience with magnet . But it is in the field of that was known by a less politically correct name, NMR (nuclear magnetic). People can come back and point out to you that MRI operates in the radio frequences, while a fixed magnet does not
Lifer":2ozwle83 said:.....at the end of the day, ECO-Aqualizer works, wether you guys think its impossible or not.
Everyone says our website is full of mumbo jumbo technospeak. We actually get a majority of customers that say it is not. Just because you know little about what is said does not make it wrong. And honestly, what would you expect our website to say??
"The stinky stuff goes in and good stuff comes out" ??????
Are some of you critics out there really so cheap that you would not try something that costs as much as a nice coral that has a 6 month guarantee!?!? If you return it, we actually lose money! We pay return shipping and get charged 3% or so for transaction. ANYONE THAT IS INTERESTED IN TRYING ECO FOR THEMSELVES CAN GO TO OUR PRODUCT PAGE, ENTER "OCEANS11" IN THE DISCOUNT BOX, AND RECIEVE 20% OFF.
Some of you, in attempts to save your EGO, may order it, not use it or use it improperly or unfairly and return it saying that it does not work.
For the stuanch critics: If you purchase ECO and don't at least perform testing fairly, you are no better then me about providing info.
Some of you demand an explanation for the exact dynamics. We are not here to try to explain how the Earth was created. We will not pretend to fully understand something that the scientific community does not fully understand either. We are several hobbyists and a bio-chemist with great vision. I can tell you however that ECO affects aquarium inhabitants in a positive way. Why? We are working on that but we will not be the ones with those answers. Billy Bob pH.D., M.D., MSCI etc. etc. will when the political BS and EGO wars subside and magnetic flux properties can actually be worked out better.
People have been burned, ridiculed, de-liscenced, dis-credited, dragged through the streets and on for ideas and beliefs they had which where found to be true decades or centuries later.
Some of you, in attempts to save your EGO, may order it, not use it or use it improperly or unfairly and return it saying that it does not work.
For the stuanch critics: If you purchase ECO and don't at least perform testing fairly, you are no better then me about providing info.
The general operating principle for the magnetic technology is a result of the physics of interaction between a magnetic field and a moving electric charge, in this case in the form of an ion. When ions pass through the magnetic field, a force is exerted on each ion. The forces on ions of opposite charges are in opposite directions. The redirection of the particles tends to increase the frequency with which ions of opposite charge collide and combine to form a mineral precipitate, or insoluble compound.
There are private Web sites that have copied FEMP reports from the FEMP and national laboratory Web sites. If the Web site you are reading does not have a ".gov" address, then the document may not be an official publication.
Neither DOE nor the national laboratories imply endorsements of either the technology or the technology provider. Those who claim DOE, FEMP, or national laboratory endorsements are incorrect.
Most water-treatment engineers who have investigated magnetic water treatment (MWT) in industrial settings report negative results, and there are no confirmed reports of successful MWT installations in the reputable scientific and engineering literature.
The widespread circulation of scientifically untenable "explanations" describing how passage of water through a magnetic field causes oppositely-charged ions to coalesce does little to inspire confidence that the promoters of these devices know what they are talking about.
This 1998 document which has been withdrawn from circulation was a Federal Technology Alert from the U.S. Department of Energy that presented a suspiciously uncritical case for both magnetic and electrostatic water treatment. It provided no references to support the claims made, and the explanations of how these devices are supposed to work were scientifically naive. The report was apparently compiled by the Battelle Research Institute, which may have farmed out some of the work to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Because this report is widely cited by the magnet merchants (and copies are still apparently in circulation; see here for one), it is worth commenting on. We are told that the magnetic field deflects the ions in the water, causing them to move in opposite directions normal to the direction of flow so that ions of opposite charge collide more frequently, increasing the chances that they will combine and precipitate out before they have a chance to form scale or do other bad things.
The science: Charged particles moving in a vacuum are indeed deflected by magnetic fields, but ions in solution are too massive (remember that they have a primary hydration shell of H2O molecules attached to them) and too locked into the "cage" created by the surrounding hydrogen bonded water to be able to undergo any significant deflection as they pass by the magnet. (If this effect were really operative, the efficacy of the process would be a function of flow rate, and no mention is made of this in the article!) It should also be pointed out that oppositely charged ions encounter each other all the time through random thermal motions, and even form ion-pair complexes such as CaCO3° which can exist indefinitely as stable entities without precipitating.
In this particular investigation, the reduction of
conductivity could be interpreted to indicate
reduction of solutes. Which ones are not determined.
A downward shift in nitrate, or an increase in redox,
would be helpful to indicate which constituents have
been changed and/or driven off into the skimmer
that can and should be determined to prove your product works.Which ones are not determined
ECO-Aqualizer uses North end only. Not North and South.
Lifer":3m8wio1g said:You guys are going to get me fired. :wink: :wink: The magnet is size of watch battery. One face +, other face -. South pole faces away from internal tube. That is why we say keep unit about six inches away from aquarium water contact because of South pole interference. Please respect that I am leaking info to you that CEO doesn't want me to. I know however that it is neccessary to a degree. I believe I can convince him of that. 8O I hope.
Lifer":361evx1a said:Righty, you ask for a free unit but the CEO is not interested. He does not think you will be subjective. This is not my decision
Again, I assure you that our return policy is as easy as it gets.
Lifer":33rlwe8d said:ECO-Aqualizer uses North end only. Not North and South.
Light-related nonsense
Far-infrared fantasies
A number of promoters have attempted to cash in on the fact that water has a rich absorption spectrum in the far-ir region . Far-ir absorption is generally related to motions of entire molecules or groups of molecules within liquids and solids, and is hardly unique to H2O (but they don't tell you that!)
Some devices purport to use this radiation to break up the "clusters" of water molecules that they [falsely] claim inhibit the uptake of individual H2O molecules by the body's cells (as if a few billion years of evolution haven't managed to solve that problem!). There are even devices on the market that purport to do the same for gasoline so as to improve fuel economy; these are mostly magnets that are placed on the fuel line, and are of course completely worthless scams.
Another wrinkle on far-ir comes from a Korean outfit (and is marketed in the U.S.), which flogs a magical fabric that you are supposed to wrap around your rheumatic joints:
"FAR-IR ... has a frequency that is close to the natural frequency of water. Since humans are composed of over 70 percent water, this invisible light is in harmony with the water found in bodily tissues." For good measure: "Bio-Energy fabric also contains a special ingredient that generates negative ions. These serve many purposes including acting as a deodorant as well as an antiseptic, both without chemicals.
Another Korean site offers the following mis-information about far-infrared radiation ("FIR"):
Scientific research has confirmed health benefits FIR has brought to mankind. The key to all this lies in the fact that FIR has a special effect on water molecules. It is able to activate water molecules and infuse it with a form of energy found to be vital for living thing such as humans, animals and plants. FIR activated water appears in smaller molecular clusters which explains why it is more easily absorbed and used by the body. FIR activated water will enhance the performance of the function of water such as (1) energises the body (2) improves supply oxygen and nutrients (3) enhances toxin and waste removal from cells (4) improves cell metabolism and (5) improves blood circulation.
Far-infrared pseudoscience can be found in all kinds of products that are marketed to the physics-ignorant public. One of the biggest and most successful U.S. hucksters of Japanese junk science sells a product that they say
absorbs energy from a variety of sources — sunlight, body or room temperature — and releases it as energy in the far-infrared part of the spectrum. Often called "the wavelength of life," far-infrared energy is part of all living things.
Very true, but what they don't tell you is that all materials do exactly the same thing!