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I think a few are lacking a cetrain virtue. I'll give you a hint, it starts with a "P" ;)


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I've been recently told the lab results are expected by this weekend. There are a few more tests performed then originally planned, including a pH measurement of all the samples.


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If the writing is taking place, it's going to take considerably longer than a week to get it done. ;) I'm looking forward to seeing the results though. :)



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They will most likely appear in Advanced Aquarist magazine. I wouldn't hold my breath too long for the article, writing that mass of data into a cohesive article takes time, as Shane mentioned. Just working through the data and statistics will take a while.



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why Not post the results in its own forum here as a sticky??? what writting? peoploe have been flim flamed with enough excuses , delays, poor oranisation, poor management and just plain lack of consideration in handling other people's money. Make a table one section name of salt another section for elements tested and another section for test results make the final row the result for NSW. Or do we have to wait abnother few months of excuses as to why we have to wait on an offical article?


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For a few different reasons:

1-Because of the limited audience of the forums. AA reaches a much larger audience and will be a more perpetual source (easier to look this up at a later time).
2- Because presenting the data, without explanation and without machine correction (standards, etc), will mean almost nothing to most people and requires the background analysis anyway.

We understand (and are in agreement with) the lack of response on this project. It has, however, been nearly completed. A few more weeks worth of patience should be justified by the major benefit a study of such magnitude will have for the hobby correct?

Keep in mind, this project grew to massive proportions (thanks to you all who donated, and due to our assistance with auctions and advertisement) and it will take time to analyze and think about the results properly. Having a pile of data visible really means nothing in the end without properly defined goals and conclusions.



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wade":21iye1e6 said:
For a few different reasons:

1-Because of the limited audience of the forums. AA reaches a much larger audience and will be a more perpetual source (easier to look this up at a later time).
2- Because presenting the data, without explanation and without machine correction (standards, etc), will mean almost nothing to most people and requires the background analysis anyway.

The guys from Inland are smart and I'm interested in seeing what they have to say about the data, I can wait for that. But it would be nice to see just the data ASAP, it will draw some traffic to RDO. Wadaya think?


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Matt still has all the data and is currently doing the write-up so that it is presented in readable format. We're leaving it up to Inland how they wish to disseminate the data. Regardless of what's included in the write-up, it will require a good deal of data entry and formatting to get it online.


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Not bad i didnt even know this site wen this test came out! :lol: For the mater i didnt know i was gona have a tank :D But i cant wait to see what comes out of it all. And if we can get the names of the best brands to pout. :twisted:

PS i didnt have enought time to reed all the post so if i missed the best parts let me know :wink:

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