Now lets look into what was just expressed by me and what you are saying again for the 22nd time... No, nothing had been done to that other member (dare I say it) for what he did to Ronen (even though there are no expressed RULES for dealing with that situation). That member does not have to have anything DONE to them. SO what is your point? If you are arguing the merits of the staff and Josh you have no grounds. As you say rules are rules. Now if you are trying to get changes made so that this wont happen again, you will have to wait until (like I said) we get together and make some adjustments to the rules...
Stop busting balls and try to understand that this might take some time. Try to look at it this way. Ronen, by him getting banned and sacrificing himself, might have made it better for YOU, the members and the rest of the Vendors.
IF by chance you are trying to inflame the situation I would sugest that you stop and see if it is really the best thing if all you are interested in is the well being of the site and Ronen.
Also any problems from you may have can be addressed by sending an email to the Administration as Josh has already said. Immediate probs can be dealt with by the mods via PM or thread notification.
Ronen gets pissed and curses when he orders breakfast. So please!! He's not being persecuted so stop the tirade! Last I talked to him he was ready and willing to get over this if some things can be worked out. It's not like he is on the outside looking in while we bury him.
Oh and by the way, I hope Josh favors the MODS since we get all the flack from the rest of the site and keep him shielded from it most times. Think of him as G W Bush and I am his Condy (please somebody make a photoshop of this one)