Eric did not own those corals, those were Federally protected corals. Natural resources that are the property of the US public.
Eric did not secure a location to do his long term study. These coral lines will take several years to establish in terms of broodstock, fragmentation and grow-out times.
Obviously he did not secure a location, he was kicked out shortly after he got setup at ReefSavers. He did not own that location, it was not associated with any University, he obviously did not even have a lease.
How long was he going to wait to report getting kicked out and the corals neglected?
He was kicked out of ReefSavers, later discoverd that ReefSavers was no longer maintaining his corals, then he didn't tell anyone. Craig Watson found out and reported it.
Eric did not secure a location to do his long term study. These coral lines will take several years to establish in terms of broodstock, fragmentation and grow-out times.
Obviously he did not secure a location, he was kicked out shortly after he got setup at ReefSavers. He did not own that location, it was not associated with any University, he obviously did not even have a lease.
How long was he going to wait to report getting kicked out and the corals neglected?
He was kicked out of ReefSavers, later discoverd that ReefSavers was no longer maintaining his corals, then he didn't tell anyone. Craig Watson found out and reported it.