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color samples

from RC,

my "color chart"



Weehawken, NJ
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Black is definitely an awesome color for the bottom cause it really brings out the colors of the tank. However if the LR has not been "cooked" it will shed a hell of alot which could be frustrating when you see all that debris on the bottom.

Get the black and cook the rock and you will have an awesome looking tank!!!


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jhale said:
I do not suggest the yellow or red.
why not, I was going to go with yellow, now that would be different! :icon16:

As for rock cooking, I not doing it, I am not totally a believer in that yet, ;) . But don't tell anyone on RC, :shhh: . Since I really have no algae to kill off on my live rock from my 120 gallon, I don't think there is a need.


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the marine board that jhale is referring to is uv protected. it helps to prevent color change and also deterioration of the board.

i bought startboard for ricky last week from boaters world. its $25 for 1/4", 24"x30" and $50 for 1/2", 24"x30". i used then 1/4" and so far so good.


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Tom I ordered it! Should come by the end of the week. Starting Friday my adventure begins! Since I will be home most of the weekend covered in sand, fish poop, rock, and I'm sure many frags from my accidents, you can pick it up anytime then.


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Brooklyn, NY
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lol.. I like the way you attack things..hehe.. Fast and quick which get the work done. I swing by this weekend. I forgot to mention I got a green and orange cap from Steve. They have good intense color. Lmk which one you want..


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not all rock needs to be cooked.
Shaun your rock should be fine.

how are you planning on removing a seven year old sand bed?
are you leaving everything in the tank or taking it out?
If I'm back in time I have a vortex filter that would help.

or are you going to break it all down?

Put the clam back in the 120 !!!!!! :D


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jhale said:
not all rock needs to be cooked.
Shaun your rock should be fine.

how are you planning on removing a seven year old sand bed?
are you leaving everything in the tank or taking it out?
I was planning on taking everything out. My new 30 gallon should act as temporary storage for the SPS.
jhale said:
If I'm back in time I have a vortex filter that would help.
When will you be back, that would be great to use. I was going to use a wet/dry shop vac.
jhale said:
Put the clam back in the 120 !!!!!! :D
That's the plan. I am going to try and get the rock work back in the right place, but leave room for the clam! :D


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solbby said:
I was planning on taking everything out. My new 30 gallon should act as temporary storage for the SPS.

When will you be back, that would be great to use. I was going to use a wet/dry shop vac.

That's the plan. I am going to try and get the rock work back in the right place, but leave room for the clam! :D

Tom your thread had been stolen, not even highjacked :D

Shaun you lost me with the wet dry?
I was thinking the vortex could be running while the sand was being sucked out, oh your going to use the wet/dry to suck out the sand?
that's also going to take a whole bunch of water out.

do you think you should just start over with new water, given the problems with the rust? or is that not a factor?
if you are breaking down the tank that much would you want to upgrade the stand? think about it. I would not be able to do it as soon as this weekend but it might be a plan. also think about if you want to move the tank to give your equipment more room to be hidden, like the chiller and ca reactor. this gives you the chance to improve so many things, maybe don't rush it so fast.


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I was going to use the wet/dry to suck out the sand. I was also going to have alot of make up water available. I have a 45 gallon tub to hold rock and extra water, plus 2 20 gallon cans, and 2 30 gallon tanks. It should be enough. I want to remove the sand as fast as possible, since I want to try and not kill of all the coraline/mushrooms and GSP on the walls of my tank.

My plan is to remove all rock to the 45 gallon storage tank, and possibly the 30 gallon tanks, remove most of the water (2/3 of the water volume), then use the shop vac to pull all the sand out. What do you think.


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Brooklyn, NY
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I know. But I will only let a few chosen one do that :).. You and Shuan is one of them :).. I was also thinking of using my fresh water as a temporary holding place for my corals. It's currently hosting my freshwater fish, like neon, cory, pleco, angel. But I gonna get them out and into another smaller tank :D.. I think i'm not speading as much or any time on my tropical planted tank as I wanted.. So I guess I get rid of them since time has come.

Back to the sand.. what I'm gonna do is just suck out all the water and then take out all the sand into a container.

Is it possible to re-use the sand for something else after maybe cleaning them? Since my sand are aragonite, they would be an awesome calcium media. But I think it need to be clean very well for that..


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Tom, I wouldn't use it for a Ca reactor. It will be a source of nitrates and phosphates, even if you clean it up well.

Manually your going to have a hard time at the very end to get out all the last pieces of sand. That is why I am going with the shop vac. Worst case is that at the end I add more water and remove the last bits of sand with the water at the end.

Sorry for stealing your thread, :D , I get carried away, but we are both have the same situation. We should rename the thread and move it to general discussion.

What do you think?
New Thread title: Going barebottom, tips/tricks/advice (clothes not mandatory, ;) )


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I'm saddend :(. But its cool, you've gone to the dark side along with Tom :(. Am I gonna be the only sand bed left in BK?? Shaun if you need any help not this weekend but the following one, I'd come over bright and early to help ya out for the day with the move. Moves alot quicker with more hands :D.

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