- Location
- Bay Ridge, BK
I read very carefully what you wrote but bringing it up in a public forum, trying to gather followers and publicly flog those such as myself who are willing to spend a lot of money for something I want can be interpreted as you trying to dictate what others can and cannot do. I personally do not believe I am shooting myself in the foot in the long run because if for some reason in the future I cannot afford an item I will simply walk away and not take my frustration out on a site and rally a cause.
Secondly, what role do you think vendors have played in all of this?
Clearly your "careful" reading is different than mine. You inferred much from my posts that was not simply not there. I never implied anything about what people can or cannot do. I am not going to beat that dead horse. There was no public flogging here at all, I simply stated issues that I have with the hobby-scene. I thought we were on the same page until you put up a thinnly veiled attack to me with your "I cannot afford an item I will simply walk away and not take my frustration out on a site and rally a cause. " Very mature.
The "cause" as you call it, is simply for hobbyists to pay it forward (as many already do, nothing revolutionary here) and to make this hobby more affordable for ourselves. I don't see what personal offense you took with this "cause"...
As for vendors which you asked about, the "end user" A.K.A. the hobbyist, will ultimately dictate the prices vendors and everyone else will charge us. If we pay the outrageous prices, they will keep going up because there will be more $ to be made. I am not saying anything about that, I am simply saying I want the hobby to be as accessible to all as possible.
I will not trade implied insults with you, as I stated in the 1st post, I want this thread to be constructive so I will simply wish you a pleasant day and hope we can agree to disagree...
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