Now Steve, I shouldn't tell you anything about the presentation since you were a NO SHOW!!! :twisted:
But being the congenial person I am, I'll tell you anyway.
The presentation was "Inside the Marine Aquarium Industry- The good, the bad and the ugly."
First I talked about the bad- sustainability issues, cyanide, handling issues, apathy. Pretty pictures and everything. That got them pretty down in the dumps. Then I raised their spirits with "the good"- net trainings, net funds (gave a plug for AMDA), etc... Then- the UGLY. How people die in the Philippines for striving to eradicate cyanide use, how the net caught fish SUCK because of handling issues, how no one cares about net caught fish they just want cheap variety, and a serious explanation of why I was forced to sell out and what affect it has had on me.
Mitch wondered aloud in another post about "what's bothering me?" since I haven't been little Miss Merry Sunshine around here lately. Well gee, I wonder. I realize that to people like Mitch selling cyanide caught fish is just part of the game. If they can get net caught, then great (but only if it's cheaper than the cyanide caught fish). If not, no big deal- hey, we can't all be Mother Theresa. Well, to me it IS a big deal. About the biggest, hairiest, gnarliest deal in the world. I hate myself for doing what I'm doing. But I have no choice if I want to stay in business. So what am I doing?? GETTING THE HELL OUT. Out of an industry I've put 15 years of blood, sweat and tears into. So if I seem a little bitter and on edge, forgive me. That nasty ethical conscience of mine is so bloodied and brusied that it tends to scream out here lately.