There is nothing wrong with a wholesaler selling directly to the end consumer-and there is equally nothing wrong with a retailer buying directly from the collector/exporter
I think more and more retailers will be trying the direct source approach as time goes on-which will enable them to be directly competetive w/the online folks-more will also be using the internet as an auxilliary marketing/sales tool/outlet.
There are also plenty of customers around (still) for all retail b&m stores, irrespective of whatever the wholesalers are doing.The good ones who know what they're doing, and know WHY and WHAT brings people into a b&m store instead of internet purchasing will always do well, or as well as can be, relative to the state of the overall economy...
Many people simply prefer to still engage in the 'face to face' interaction that comes along with a 'real' store, with real people who are willling to take their time to help them understand how to succeed in the hobby-do not underestimate the value of 'face time'.Many also prefer to see the livestock and the system they're kept in 'face to face' as well.
While i haven't noticed much dropoff in overall sales due to internet 'competition', I have noticed a rather dramatic dropoff in overall newcomers to the hobby (salt and fresh) as a whole, in our area, FAR fewer whole starter setups were sold this year than 5-10 years ago. It seems as if the playstations,xboxes, and economy status have done far more to affect the piece of the consumer pie the b&m aquarium retail industry has enjoyed in the past for startup setups/sales than any internet based ornamental aquatic livestock/drygoods business (Most of which cater to the consumer who already has the basics, and is looking to purchase either livestock only, or upgrade support equipment) has.
Not purchasing from a wholesaler because they sell direct to end consumers isn't what one needs to do to survive and do well in this business-and anyone who thinks that this has/will have a major effect on their retail business is focusing way too much energy barking up the wrong tree, imo.
Some one once told me ''Don't worry about what your competition is doing-worry about what YOU'RE doing". I think one would be hard pressed to find better advice than that.