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Recent content by Al Hobby

  1. Temperature Control

    If you can mount a fan that will blow across the top of the tank or sump it will lower the temp of the water several degrees. I have my fans set on timers so they switch on / off with the lights. With a fan, you will have a faster rate of evaporation so some type of auto top off system will...
  2. Best and most resonably priced place to order good LR?

    If you want live rock with a lot of 'life' on it try Tampa Bay Saltwater www.tbsaltwater.com. I was very pleased with the quality of thier rock.
  3. Hang On Overflow Suggestions

    PeeJ, The only LFS that carries reef supplies went belly-up about a month ago. The closest store that I know of is about a 2 hour drive and I won't be able to go there till next weekend.
  4. Hang On Overflow Suggestions

    I can't take my reef down at this time and have my tank drilled. My overflow broke last night and I need suggestions for a good overflow that will handle about 600-800 GPH. I would prefer not to have one that requires a powerhead to keep the siphon going. Any suggestions would be helpful.
  5. Hang On Overflow suggestions?

    Ignore this post. I just realized I put it in the wrong Forum
  6. Hang On Overflow suggestions?

    I am not able to take down my reef now to have the tank drilled. My overflow broke last night and I need to find a good replacement that can handle about 600-800 GPH. I prefer not to have one that requires a powerhead to keep the siphon going. Any suggestions would be helpful.
  7. Closed Loop for a 55gal

    I am planning a closed loop for a 55gal. I want to use an extra Iwaki WMD30RLXT pump I have. It is rated at about 1000 gph at 0 ft. head. The output will be through a pvc system with about 20 one inch outlets mostly behind the rock structure. Will this be too much circulation for this size...
  8. Is there a difference?????

    I don't know if there is a difference or not, but I am happy with my duel 250W PFO ballest, can't beat the price.
  9. R/O booster pumps?

    the preasure into the house is only about 50 psi. I tried my unit on it and it barely even dripped.
  10. Circulation

    Which post was "pointless"?
  11. DI and RO

    Water from a DI system will be better than RO. You need to keep in mind the cost of operating the DI system. If you can regenerate the resin yourself then it would be a good choice. If it uses expendable cartriges then it could be quite expensive if you need alot of water. I use a...
  12. Sump above aquarium

    Thanks for the imput. I did not think about the tank level changing due to evaporation. Currently I use a drip system to replace evaporated water, but will soon change to a float swich in the sump. That would not work if the sump was above the aquarium. Perhaps it would be easier to have...
  13. Sump above aquarium

    To prevent back flow into the tank during a power failure I will keep the pipe going into the sump just above the water level. If that is too loud then I will put a partition in the sump that will only alow a very small amount of water to siphon back into the tank.
  14. IceCap & Marine Depot: Outstanding Customer Service

    I have also had great service from both of those companies.
  15. Sump above aquarium

    I am planning on placing a sump to the side of my 60 gal Oceanic. The sump will be a few inches higher that the aquarium. I do not want to drill the tank or have a hang-on overflow. Plans are for a pump to pull water out of the aquarium and into the sump. Water will then flow through...
