here are some recent shots. that favia takes misis EVERY DAY. he is starting to look like he is supposed to.
without purchasing a chiller, and without running the a/c all day long, my tank is getting hotter and hotter. i have purchased a second fan, for the sump. it seems to be keeping the temp rise at bay for now (it was only 70 outside today 8O )
80 seems to be the constant for now. :?
i have not yet purchased an R.O. unit either
also, last week i purchased some live rock which is curing in a seperate tank. i have cleared an area for another rock tower (towards the middle where the koralia is) because i am running out of shelves for my frags. 8O
and some sad news as well- the fromia starfish kicked the bucket.
i checked all parameters and they all read perfect. the acclimation was about 45 minutes. i don't know what went wrong. if i had to guess, i'd say it was the day/night temperature swings that the little guy couldn't handle.
the strange thing is the sand sifter star was fine through it all.
i'm going to keep away from the stars until i can get a handle on the temp swings.