Some Coldwater Monochrome Images

One of the things underwater photographers do to pass the time between actual work, payed or otherwise (and we’d always like more of the latter), is to revisit image catalogs to see what they might become when ‘messed around’ with in...

Warming Oceans Lead to Smaller Fish

Fish, like all animals living on Earth, need oxygen to survive. But while their terrestrial counterparts rely on lungs to supply their bodies with this crucial element, fish have gills, and the size of those gills in relation to the rate of their growth determine just...

50 Fish Stores in 5 Days- The Stores

Here is the list you have been waiting for: The 50-Fish-Stores-Tour Stores. Every one of us on this tour deserves a round of applause. The Local Fish Store is disappearing at a rapid rate and those of us that are left are mostly good...