Two more Hermit Crabs with BEAUTIFUL Blue Eyes!

Good morning readers, sorry for the lack of blogs but I have more or less run out of fish and creatures from our Statia 2017 Expedition and have been working on a bunch of coral reef photos from the reefs of St. Eustatius that I will begin posting. Above is my last two deep-sea hermit crabs that were found and collected below 700 feet! For a size reference the top crab is around two inches wide while the bottom hermit is much smaller and both have the glowing blue-eyes which blow me away!! The larger crab had small little anemones all over his shell which are almost impossible to see from these tiny web sized photos. The shell he or she was in looked like it was covered in sand and the anemones were just living under it or stuck to it, you can’t even see the original shell anymore, he may have been hauling that around for awhile

5 New Species of Inconspicuous Sand Gobies

A handful of new gobies have just been described from the West Pacific, all from the little-known genus Grallenia which, until now, had only three known species. This group abounds in sand flats, where their small size and cryptic coloration enable them to disappear...

MACNA 2018 Las Vegas

The announcement has just been released – MACNA 2018 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada! As if speakers and vendors from all over the world, thousands of reef enthusiasts, and a full suite of events, meals, and demonstrations aren’t enough, the...

Sacura sanguinea, A Beautiful New Anthias Species

Sacura sanguinea is a newly described species of anthias with some of the most vibrant colors and dramatic patterning ever seen in a reef fish. The name comes from the Latin word for “blood-red”, in reference to the thick stripe found in males which gradates from...

Patrick Thomas’ 55 g Reef Tank

A little behind-the-scenes story: I happened to spot an image of this tank while I was stalking one of my favorite Facebook reefing groups; I PMed the owner of the picture and found out that he only lives one hour away from me!…