Orphek Announces New 24″ Slim Line LED Fixture for Reef and Planted Aquariums

After bringing the Atlantik series one step forward by upgrading it with a new V4 spectrum,  Orphek is now introducing it’s newest 24″ Slim Line lights for both Reef and Planted Aquariums. Two new Slim Line lights with spectrums are now available for both Reef and Planted aquariums.   Orphek claims that their lights “differ from all slims lights offered in the market today because they are built with the same design and quality of the Atlantik series, made of full body acrylic, a rugged aluminum heat sink and thick polished acrylic lens cover” but does differing make them better?   The slim line was designed to works as a supplemental LED light or as the primary light source for smaller aquariums.  The light is compact with a footprint

Deep-Sea Nudibranch

Good morning out there, I have something a bit different for you all this morning, something other than a crab or fish for once.. This is a super tiny, very fragile deep-sea nudibranch, one of only two we found on the whole trip to St. Eustatius. And when I say one of two, that means we found this one above and another that is completely different which I will get posted as well in the coming days. 

Loud motor noise makes fish bad parents

A new study has found that the sound from motorboats radically decreased reef fishes' parenting skills - sometimes to the point of total neglect and the mortality of all babies. Research like should make reefkeepers question how much motor noise in our tanks does it take to create adverse behavior and well-being.

Aquacultured Wideband Clownfish (Amphiprion latezonatus)

Clownfish have long been one of the most popular fish in the marine aquarium trade. Due to advances in technology along with a better understanding of the process, the supply of cultured clownfish has grown exponentially in the past 10 years. Several commercial farms grow thousands of these fish for the US market every year.  Now, a very rarely seen species (either wild or cultured) is at Quality Marine.  I’ve not seen this fish in person before and Quality Marine tells us that they have not been available for over two years; aquacultured or wild caught. The Wideband Clown is found in the waters surrounding Australia ranging from Southern Queensland to Northern New South Wales and Lord Howe Island, hundreds of miles away from the majority of saltwater

Deep Sea Crab found by Smithsonian Scientists

Good morning, I have another wild looking deep-sea crab for you all this morning found by our favorite scientists from the world famous Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The red you see under the belly could be eggs but don’t quote me on that, I just remember hearing that in the lab as everyone was watching observing her. This crab was close to 6 inches wide and most likely even longer with those crazy claws extended. Most of you already know my love for any and all crabs which must come from the insane amount of hours spend either underwater or with the Smithsonian observing them, they are so cool and they come in every shape and size one can imagine. Sorry so short, I’m so busy with so many weird things these days, have a great day out there.. Barry NEWER POST: