Centropristis fuscula, TwoSpot Sea Bass, Deep Sea Bass

Good morning out there, I have a small, two-inch, fully grown adult Centropristis fuscula or TwoSpot Sea Bass for your viewing pleasure today found a few weeks ago now on the ultra tiny island of St. Eustatius or “Statia” as it’s know by the locals. For those of you like myself who know nothing about this island in the Caribbean do yourself a favor and google the history, it will flat out blow your mind!! As a teaser did you know that during the Revolutionary War we got 40% of all our weapons from this island??? Yeah, say What?? Check it out, there’s a whole lot more… Most of you already know how much I love these tiny sea-bass that live way down in the darkness and most are crazy colorful

Ogcocephalus sp., RARE Batfish

Good morning friends, this is what you call an OMG fish!! This is another “possible” New Species of Batfish Ogcocephalus sp. found 2.5 miles off the coast of St. Eustatia with the use of a mini-submersible on loan from Substation Curacao and found by scientists from the Smithsonian Institution. In Statia we were anchored around a quarter mile off shore in about 35-40 feet of water with nothing but sand and sea-grass below filled with sting-rays and giant flying gurnards. Unlike Curacao where the reef drops off immediately St

Antilligobius nikkiae, Small Rare Deep Sea Fish

Good morning all, above is one of the many new species that has recently been discovered by the Smithsonian Institution and Substation Curacao. This little treasure was named after the daughter of Substation Curacao, his name is Dutch her name is Nikki. This is a tiny one and a half inch, super beautiful fish called a Saber Goby, Antilligobius nikkiae. These are found in the 300-400 foot range and are usually seen congregating in schools unlike other fish that like to be on their own like the golden bass for instance. This one here along with a few others was collected by the sub alive about a week ago in St. Eustatius and brought up for me to photograph