Salty Q&A: Why so Much Emphasis on Evaporation in Saltwater Systems?

An ever-shifting salinity level is very stressful to aquarium inhabitants Question I’m a long-time freshwater aquarium hobbyist but considering branching out to a saltwater reef system. In talking with some of my reefkeeper friends, I’ve noticed that they’re rather fixated on evaporation from their tanks and doing daily top-offs. Why so much emphasis on evaporation on the saltwater side of the hobby? This isn’t really an issue at all on the freshwater side. Also, I do a lot of traveling for business purposes, so I’m wondering what others in my situation do about top-offs. – Submitted by Amir” Answer Great question, Amir!

Reef Threads Podcast #311

Gramma dejongi, captive bred and raised by Todd Gardner.

Todd Gardner, MASNA Aquarist of the Year and one of the hobby’s leading marine fish breeders joins us to announce that he is the first person to import, raise, and successfully breed Gramma dejongi. Hear how Todd acquired six of these beautiful fish and his efforts to breed and get larvae to settle. He also talks about his teaching efforts, a generous donation from the Washington Area Marine Aquarium Society, and his success in breeding and raising to market size Rainfordia opercularis, the flathead perch. Don’t miss this exciting show in which Todd shares how he, once again, has made marine fish breeding history. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

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The Cave Anthias Is Gorgeous And Still Undescribed

There are numerous examples of scientifically undescribed reef fishes (e.g. the Whitemargin Anemonefish… the Magma Wrasse… the Japanese Velvet Angelfish), but arguably the most attractive of the lot is a colorful dwarf anthias found in...

Fishy Stuff : Gem Tangs!

For this episode, we traveled to ACI Aquaculture to visit our friend Chris Meckley. Months ago, he acquired a mated pair of Gem tangs (first time that his supplier said that he was able to do); we got together to learn all about it and he told us how to keep Gem tangs...