The Toughest Place to be a Mangrove?

A little while back I shared some images of mangroves growing adjacent to the Red Sea.  Here are some more from this harsh, tough, and yet functioning habitat. Mangroves are not common along the Red Sea coastline, a figure of around 2,700 square kilometers has been...

What a Fossil Clam Can Tell Us About Earth’s Deep Past

It may come as a surprise to you that you can tell an awful lot about the past from shells, and not just the recent past either, but the late cretaceous. Research published in the journal Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology looked at the growth rings in a fossil...

A Few More Monochrome Images: Shipwrecks

I shared a few monochrome images recently, and also talked about which underwater subjects look good in black and white.  This time, I thought I’d look at some shipwreck images. The main image was taken on a wreck in the...