Austin Lefevre
  • Austin Lefevre

    Austin Lefevre founded and owns Aqua Box, a group of passionate professionals who bring unique aquarium systems to fruition worldwide and offer fully quarantined and conditioned fishes to the US retail market. Austin has been a bonafide fish nerd for his entire life. When the kids in elementary school were reading Dr. Seuss, Austin was reading Jacques Cousteau. He's been in the aquarium industry since 2002 working in local fish stores, coral farms, and headed up a fish breeding program. He's been an avid SCUBA diver since the age of 12 and consistently seeks new aquatic adventures.

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Coralvue announces new Gyre generator by Maxspect

Coralvue announces new Gyre generator by Maxspect

These days when we hear the brand Maxspect our minds quickly picture the ever so thin R420R (Razor) LED fixtures. Today Coralvue announced the release of a new product by Maxspect in the water flow realm, the Maxspect Riptide Gyre Generator. Based on the footprint I'm...

Tiny Centropyge joculators at Global Reef Supply

Tiny Centropyge joculators at Global Reef Supply

When people think of aquatic wholesalers the first city to come to mind is generally Los Angeles. While there is literally an entire street full of them there, we do have some great wholesalers in the midwest. One of my go-to wholesalers is Global Reef Supply just...

PVC Plumbing Tips

PVC Plumbing Tips

Little did most of us know when we first entered the reef aquarium hobby that we would quickly become proficient plumbers. Between plumbing sumps, multiple systems together and simply performing water changes, the world of aquarium plumbing can quickly overwhelm...

Reef Savvy Raising the Bar… Again

Reef Savvy Raising the Bar… Again

Reef Savvy is at it again, blowing the doors (panes?) off the competition with little touches that exemplify perfection in each and every one of their builds. These new pictures recently shared by Reef Savvy on Facebook show an aquarium featuring a red pinstripe that...

How To: Paint Aquarium Background

How To: Paint Aquarium Background

Aquarium backgrounds offer an easy way to hide unsightly electrical cords, plumbing and equipment. Subconsciously our eyes are drawn past the aquarium and beyond exposing things that could easily be hidden, detracting from the overall feel of the aquarium. Keeping the...

Copps’ New Beast

Copps’ New Beast

John Coppolino, better known as “Copps” or the angelfish guru to reef geeks, is in the midst of setting up and absolute dream system to house his prized collection of fish and corals. A behemoth of a home aquarium system, this build is absolutely mind boggling to...

Emulate Nature

Emulate Nature

These days it seems most aquarium hobbyists take inspiration for aquascaping and coral placement from fellow hobbyists’ aquariums. This is a great starting point to get some ideas churning, particularly for people new to aquariums, however I find some of my best...

Overflows: The Big Ugly Box

Overflows: The Big Ugly Box

For years, mainstream aquarium manufacturers have been using the same large obnoxious overflow boxes that detract from the look of our aquariums. Many times these overflow boxes are made of a textured ABS plastic, and if you have ever had one, you know they can be...