Caitlin Nichole
  • Caitlin Nichole

    I'm a New York Reef Enthusiast and Fish Nerd, amateur photographer, dog lover, beer brewer/drinker, cocktail mixer, semi-seasoned chef, Prosecco Indulging, lightly foul-mouthed, slightly antagonistic, sorta-artistic, wordy bookworm of a girl. Dog mommy of three, an Abyssinian dubbed "Mau", plus one Dwarf Cuttlefish and a few Clarions. I have a tattoo of an Octopus with flowers on my rear. I ride my bike to the beach and sip bourbon with a good (reef) book while watching the waves. I like to think I'm witty and charming - but I'll let you decide.

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Monday Archives: Cephalopods 101- A Tribute to Ze Frank

Monday Archives: Cephalopods 101- A Tribute to Ze Frank These videos are old news, but well worth revisiting in my opinion. Today I bring you True Facts about Cephalopods, courtesy of one of my favorite voices of nature education (second only to Sir David Attenborough), Ze Frank....

Monday Archives: Light The Way For Me, Beautiful

Monday Archives: Light The Way For Me, Beautiful

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Monday Archives: Life After Death In The Deep

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