Taming The Wild Tuna

Global appetite for Tuna has increased tremendously over the last few decades. As such, along with the rapid surge in consumption has also included alarming decline in wild tuna species. There was a time when farming of tuna was considered...

Tridacna ningaloo Possibly Bred in Captivity for First Time Ever

Tridanca ningaloo by Acro Al Here’s some exciting news for us self-professed clam junkies. Acro Al, obviously a clam junky in his own right, has unveiled that he may have bred the newly discovered but yet to be officially named Tridacna ningaloo clam at his facility in Australia. Al, who has been breeding all sorts of clam species, broke the news with this photo via Facebook, and it’s exciting news not only for the aquarium community, but for the scientific community as well. This event may mark the first time the species has even been bred in captivity