Time for you guys to come clean, This is getting out of hand, between the time delays the excuses , the broken deadlines and so called "Matt is working it" Or cant get any replies out of Matt" on and on and on. If one of your sponsors was acting in the manner you gusy with this salt study were acting, (taking MONEY, promising a service) and after MORE than a raesonable amount of delays and excuses and "No replies" No results/service would you seriously still consider endorsing that sponsor? we went thru legal trouble. Matt being busy, to it is on the way, we have NOT even been given a token of fatih test result. WHERE the Hell is MATT and why does he not speak the hell up!!? and explain to me why you are bedning over backwards to make excuses for him. AT what point are we within our rights to start asking for our money back. Or do we write this off as another internet scam???