SciGuy2":9qxmzhep said:
seamaiden":9qxmzhep said:
Just because you're in the know doesn't extrapolate to others being so.
LOL, Seamaiden. I have never been called in the know. Everything I know about the issues here I've learned within the last year and can be easily found on the internet by doing a little reading or by contacting some of the contributors to this forum.
Indeed. My own research only goes back a few very short months. And, that is my point, it only takes a bit of research, however, I also know (from my experience here and on wetwebmedia) that many,
many people want information handed to them, they simply can't be arsed to go look for it on their own, or they simply haven't got enough time in the day. I am hoping to make it easier for them. I don't think you can really disagree, can you?
SciGuy":9qxmzhep said:
The negative issues about MAC can be found on nearly any thread in this forum. Any of them. Any. Ad nausium Why are so many so terrified that someone might come here and not immediately see the MAC-bashers concerns? I, for one, do not want negativism to be the first thing a new person sees when they come here. I've talked with many hobbyists that say: "I don't visit that forum - it's just one big groan(*) and moan session." I do not want these typical, but environmentally conscious hobbyists, to tune out the central message here.
I cannot disagree here, however, I think it's a little extreme to say they're "terrified", no? Many of the hobbyists
I've spoken to seem to wish to remain ignorant of the issue, effort has more to do with it than fear.
SciGuy":9qxmzhep said:
I do understand the concerns regarding MAC; but bickering, argument and accusation will do little to cause any person or entity to change.
Well, considering what
many have or had been trying to do (much action, not just words), both positive and negative, in regards to setting this non-government organization on the path to true success, without much success, what would you propose? To my mind this is indeed how things get changed, in fact, the squeaky wheel does get the grease, does it not? What grease will be applied to the wheel that appears to be rolling smoothly?
SciGuy":9qxmzhep said:
What can cause an NGO to change its agenda? It is not complaints, it is money. Why not form an NGO competitive with MAC and create what you perceive to be a better ecological reform model and a superior certification process? Between Steve, Mary, Horge, Ferdinand, Jamie, Peter and yourself all the expertise and personnel necessary is available.
Ok, wait just a minute here. What I'm perceiving is that you seem to have put words into my "mouth". I have made some observations, and tried very hard to be
very diplomatic. Yes, I've seen things that give me pause, but I have
never claimed to be an expert (ex-spurt!

), so I am not really sure where you've drawn this conclusion.
Also, I respectfully disagree with your assessments on how to effect change. What reason is there to bring about change if things appear to be just hunky-dory? At this point, our going back and forth debating the debate itself is worse than the original debate.
SciGuy":9qxmzhep said:
If your group is more effective than previous NGOs, and get the word out regarding your success, your group will get the funding that previously went to the other groups. Competition is good. Competition will affect change in the status quo.
Maybe so, but I'm not looking to start my own group. I am still trying to figure out where to add my efforts, that's all.
SciGuy":9qxmzhep said:
seamaiden":9qxmzhep said:
I get the strong feeling that you'd like everyone to simply accept the party line and the status quo.
Would you say that to my face? I will not accept the status quo until the earth is better ecologically everywhere, both on land and sea. I've spent my entire life and career on improving the environment. We have similar goals, your strong feeling is absolutely
not correct.
Yes, if it were what I perceived while speaking directly to you, I would say that. Please accept my apologies, I do believe we've crossed wires here. I was speaking specifically to the topic/organization being discussed here. I never, in any way, meant to state or imply that you are uncaring. I can only say that this was my perception based on the tone of some statements you've made.
We all really do want the same thing here, the difference is how this change can be affected. I've already stated that I feel that, from a hobbyist's perspective, certification by a highly scrupulous body is really their only means of ensuring conscientious purchases. Let's see if we can make the most viable bodies ethical and scrupulous.