Whew! Go to work for a day, miss a lot! I obviously need to stay home more often.
Mary I was wondering how you know so much about the LA wholesaler's ties to etailing?
It's not some huge secret, Mitch. I talk to big wholesalers- I'm friends with some. We talk about these things. Even the ones that have tried desparately to keep it a secret (I won't name any names) have eventually been found out. When you're saying the Asian wholesalers, I assume you mean ***. If AMDA thinks *** is the way to go, then be my guest. Please, buy as many of their fish as you want. I'm sure Steve would approve. :roll:
Our drygoods wholesalers have agreed to help get the new message out to our fellow retailers, as there are also negatively affected
Honestly, the drygood manufacturers are the biggest whores in the industry in my opinion. Talk about lowballing product... That's where etail started- with the drygoods. And it's expanded from there.
I can't believe you don't understand what a serious issue this is
Please tell me where I said this wasn't a serious issue? My whole point of this thread, which has been missed time and time again, is that I don't understand the problem with facility etailers. I do think AMDA should fight against the drop shippers and the jobbers because those companies DO have an unfair advantage.
If I was a wholesaler I would seriously consider changing my ways so I could be attractive to this new group of consumers.
Tell ya what. You grow the AMDA membership to a few hundred stores (which according to you should be a snap), guarantee me $15,000 worth of orders from AMDA members per week (that's really only about 30 people ordering each week), and I'll drop etail. Of course, I'll expect some type of contract in return. You've got it in writing and I'll honor it. Promise. But since AMDA didn't support me before, I doubt they would now. Mitch, they all (vast, vast majority) want cheap variety. Period, end of discussion.
The buying group could arrange exclusivity with suppliers from the Christmas Islands (by way of example).
Oy. Wayne, do you have any idea what is involved here? (Rhetorical question) The only way AMDA can arrange exclusivity from an entire region is to have a HUGE wholesale facility here on the west coast. Even then, the only sure thing about an exclusivity agreement in this industry is that it will end eventually. It happens time and time and time again. Regions such as Xmas Islands have NO variety. Woo-hoo- AMDA has some flame angels. I can get those from Marshalls or Vanuatu or Cooks just as easily. It's just not as simple as you lay it out. It's impossible to lock up exclusivity on a species. And if someone else has access to that species and low balls you, then who cares if you have an exclusive Xmas agreement???
The rape and pillage comes from Etail/Wholesale (EW) that bring in tonnes and tonnes of cheap cyanide caught Philiippine and Indonesian fish and sell them to unsuspecting newbies at apparently cheap prices only to have them die in their tanks.
That has got to be one of the most foolish statements I've seen yet. B&Ms buy WAY WAY WAY more cheap cyanide caught Philippine and Indonesian fish than etail ever thought about. And they sell them to unsuspecting newbies at normal retail prices (or high retail) only to have them die in their tanks. Rape and pillage does NOT come from etail. Etail is a part, but in the grand scheme of things no where near as large as B&M. We really need a "duh" emoticon.
An AMDA wholesaler would have the ability to negotiate healthy specimens at great prices from the suppliers. In effect the AMDA wholesaler would be the cherry picker for all of you.
AMDA had a wholesaler that gave them net caught fish and cherry picked corals. They opted to go for cheaper prices and higher variety.
After all it makes no difference to the EW because his customers can't see what they are buying anyway.
Wayne, etail business is conducted over the internet. Most reefers buying etail are on the major discussion boards. These boards have "vendor feedback" forums. It doesn't make sense for an etailer to send out crap on a consistent basis, because his entire customer base is going to read about it on Reef Central! Are there crappy etailers? Sure. I think that's why so many come and go. The ones with the staying power must be doing something right. Same scenario can be applyed to B&M. I'll tell you why DFS is so successful. It is run by BUSINESSMEN who know how to make deals and market. Not some hobbyist who is so in love with his 55 gallon marine tank that he has now decided he has the aptitude to run a pet store. I have seen this time and time and time again and so has every wholesaler. B&Ms were going out of business on a regular basis before Al Gore ever even invented the internet.
The current net fund has stagnated.
Now this I find interesting. How much money was donated by your concerned membership? Have you even promoted this net fund other than through a posting here? There's nothing on your website about it. Have you made it easy for people to donate? Have you laid out the program in a detailed way so people know exactly where their money is going? I'll be brutally honest here. I think the handling of the AMDA net fund has been laughable at best. There has been no organization whatsoever. It seems to me like it's been a half-assed attempt since the beginning.