It's amazing how many turns this thread has taken, without being any closer to the answer to the original question...
Mary, FWIW this non-member really doesn't see a huge problem with facility etailers with one provision: The livestock being shipped out MUST come from the seller's own facility. That way, one can't circumvent the system by having a B&M in BFE, but drop-shipping orders from LAX. People tanking their own stuff before shipping, have at least some of the similar overhead that B&M do.
Curiously when I first came online, many posters were touting the praises of etail... seems that to many at least, the pendulum is swinging the other way and the trend is going back to retail for livestock, at least.
You're also right, Mary that the manufacturers of dry goods are the biggest detriment... how "Tank Stuff" can sell Maxi Jets cheaper to hobbyists than I can buy them from my regular wholesaler pisses me off to no end. Still, good customers see the value added in buying from me (thank goodness!). It's a catch-22, I'd love to stop supporting the vendors/manufacturers that undermine me, but that would eliminate just about every product line there is, and "brand recognition" is very important. Marineland/Aquarium Systems can pimp its salt through Pet**** for dirt cheap, with free shipping (although I think they lost a $$bundle when that coupon spread like wildfire around the 'net last time...), but if I stopped carrying Instant Ocean I'd be signing my own death warrant.
I am curious to see how AMDA comes down on it... just where the line is drawn. I do think there is value in retailers teaming up for some things, but the idea of an "AMDA wholesaler" is ludicrous... I can see certain wholesalers being "recommended" because of higher standards etc., or in solidarity as fellow members, but you can't tell retailers where to buy from or who not to buy from... many of us would be clamouring for the same stuff... then who gets the dregs?
Some would like to oversimplify things, but it's really a complex issue all around.