Welcome to It is refreshing to actually have someone from the MAC that makes sense and is willing to discuss the issues. It looks like there may even be an opportunity for reconciliaton between the various camps (no pun intended).
Before that can happen many obstacles will need to be removed.
1) Paul the wall needs to be willing to negotiate. I don't believe that you or John Brandt have the authority to make commitments on behalf of the MAC.
2) Someone in the MAC needs to clearly explain the relationship between the underwater surveys being conducted by ReefCheck and the net trainings being conducted under the supervision of MAC staff. It is not just an issue of training more collectors. The number of collectors must be matched against what the reefs can sustainably produce.
3) The issue of sustainability is serious. Even 15 years ago, when the University of the Philippines conducted a second round of reef surveys, the reefs were seriously degraded (<4% in excellent condition). I believe that the limiting factor now is that there are not enough reefs in fair to good condition (in either the Philippines or Indonesia) to support the food fisheries and the aquarium fish fishery at present levels of exploitation.
4) In the Philippines there needs to be changes in government policies such as legalizing the creation of artificial reefs, and legalizing both the farming and the export of farmed coral frags, live rock, and giant clams (reared on TURFs in the ocean). These are some of the alternatives that could help to provide alternative livelihoods, create additional income for the communties, and help to support rehabilitation of coral reefs. Mike King and CORL could play a big role here.
5) The MAMTI proposal outlines the need to implement Ecosystem Fisheries Management (EFM) standards and certification tied to EFM. This will not be an easy task considering the advanced state of degredation of the reefs. The number of reefs in good to excellent condition may now be insufficient to allow recruitment of fish larvae (from distant reefs) into areas protected by MPAs or other areas being created near municipalities where collectors reside. I was recently informed about situations in PI where this appears to be the case.
6) Most of the reefs that still have exploitable populations of marine
aquarium fishes (MAF) are very far from the home villages of the collectors. I am hearing that the collectors are now facing a catch22. The price of fuel has increased to the point where they cannot afford to travel by boat to the collection sites. Air transport of fishes from the southern Philippines is also cost prohibitive at the prices presently being paid by the exporters to the collectors.
7) Steve and even Mark have alluded to the fact that the exporters are unwilling to pay the collectors more for net-caught MAF. The exporters in turn note the refusal of the importers to pay more for net-caught MAC-certified MAF. The pricing issues need to be resolved. The MAC could play an important role, but so far has not been able to convince the trade to increase the pricing through the chain of custody.
8) I believe that better collection, handling, packing, and shipping procedures must be implemented to reduce the mortality through the chain of custody. The most important changes need to occur (through proper village-based training) with the way the collectors collect (nets rather than cyanide) and through the way they deal with stress and ammonia during transport from the collection sites, at the villages, and during shipment to the export facilities near international airports. While, the MAC claims to be making progress in these areas, I have not seen any information (e.g., publications) that explains how this is being done (which makes me sceptical that they know how to do it). If more fish survive more profit can be made at all steps of the chain of custody. Assuming that this is occurring, the exporters need to pay the collectors more for better quality fish that live to be exported.
9) I believe that there needs to be a massive program to implement a licensing and zoning strategy. The zoning would be implemented and
enforced at the municipal level. Zoning would include the creation of
MPAs, TURFs, and Collection Areas. Collection Areas could be created by working with the collectors through the implementation of Collection Area Management Plans (CAMPs).
10) The collectors need to cooperate with municipal government authorities (e.g., through the Fisheries and Aquatic Management Councils being created in PI). It is not clear how the MAC is presently ensuring that the collectors obey existing laws against destructive fishing (e.g., not using cyanide) and how the MAC trainings fit with existing laws in the host countries (e.g., Philippines and Indonesia). The MAC is not the government and hence does not have the authority to enforce laws, but it needs to implement programs that conform to existing legislation. Some explanation concerning how the present MAC trainings accomplish this is needed.
Peter Rubec