coralfarmin":2pvty0wc said:Jamie, thanxs for the information about yourself.Proof positive, that almost everyone, has a story, they want to tell. :wink:
I have spend many days/nights in the florida keys collectin fish myself :wink:
The chicken thing, was just a joke to try to lightin up the tension, I feel is in the air.Though, it is alot like chasin fish with the hand motions, imo
Fact is, reef exploitation happens right here, in US waters as well, imo
I have witnessed this first hand imo.
I am not a marine biologist, the *work regime*, I had as a child/teenager did not offer me that opportunity, and I have not *worked* overseas, like you, but *just like you* it still bothers me to know that it is worse over there. And like you, I would love to do it, *atleast once* as you put it...btw, in 1990...I was only 14-15 years old
I am just here, to learn what I can, so I can try to help, be part of the solution, one day in the future.
cortez marine":17h52gj2 said:" the contribution of the marine aquarium industry is almost nil ". ??
Any half enlightened exporter could at any time choose to support the good guys.
Any importer could at any thime choose to support the good guys.
Any retailer or service guy could choose at any time to support the good guys...
and the public...?
Why do they reward the status quo so?
Millions are sent every year from business to business.
Millions have been spent by the NGOs ...
This issue has perhaps been poisoned by money.
The wrong money
to the wrong people to attempt
the wrong approach with
the wrong materials.
More money after bad?
Any new approach should first prove itself on site ...on film.
knowse":1xg505js said:Jaime, it seems to me when you say "Industry hasn't supported the net fishermen", then what your really saying is "Filipino exporters aren't supporting their own net fishermen." And that is where the problem is. PERIOD. You know as well as I do, that it's the exporters handing out the cyanide, and keeping the fishermen "indentured".
So the real problem with MO collection in the PI, is the EXPORTERS, even those that are MAC certified.
IF, the exporters paid more for the netted fish, then more collectors would be "motivated" to learn net techs. The exporters would then pass on the increase to the importers who pass it on to the retailers who pass it on to the hobbiests. What is wrong with that? Problem solved. And yes it is that simple.
Although I like the idea of the "fishermen CO-OP" or "Assoc.", just which uneducated fishermen is going to keep the books? I know alot has changed in the (almost) 40 yrs since I lived in PI, but when did the rural, coastal people start getting educated? Did the PI start sending children to school? Or better yet, when can poor fishermen afford to send their kids to school (catholic), afford to pay for the uniforms and afford for them to be away from home not helping the family make money? (Horge, help me on that one?)
CF? Why do you want to talk about "worm composting" on a fish forum?
And finally, Mark. For whom I will await your responce, (as far as "this" hobbiest is concerned) nothing new has been happening in the PI. What MAC has been doing for the last 5 months, is the same thing it's been doing all along. Just have to read the MAC newsletters to find that out.