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Recent content by Mekinnik

  1. Moving Need Help!!!!

    I'm moving to Milwaukee, WI and would like any info on some lfs's in that area???
  2. Hair Algae is back? next idea

    I had also had a problem with hair algae in my 40 gal. I purchased about 10 red Scarlet reef crabs and they devoured it. Now i'm trying to get rid of my Cyno problem..... Its has to be the redest Scarlets you can get. I would try that..
  3. Algae eating fish/critters for 40g?

    I have the same 40 tank and I found that the best green hair algea is the bright red scarlet reef crabs. I put some in my tank and within two weeks it was all gone. As for brown algea I would try either Cerith Snails or Nassarius Snails, they seem to like it and they also are graet sand sifters...
  4. Algae eating fish/critters for 40g?

    I have the same 40 tank and I found that the best green hair algea is the bright red scarlet reef crabs. I put some in my tank and within two weeks it was all gone. As for brown algea I would try either Cerith Snails or Nassarius Snails, they seem to like it and they also are graet sand sifters...
  5. Leftover Hair algae - what to do now?

    I would suggest getting 5 or 10 scarlet red hermits they worked wonders for my hair algea problem.. Just make sure they are bright red not any other color..
  6. really low light corals

    If your looking to go with MH try this site if you know how to DIY everything, but its cheap!!!!! https://www.1000bulbs.com/ there prices seem cheap and so does there shipping...
  7. More Light questions?????

    If I am running a 96 watt PC and a 36" 50/50 30 watt NO, what would be the best wattage for actinic 03 lighting for this tank?? 1-flower pot 1-cup coral 2-gorgonians various shrooms,zoos, and polyps 1-anemone 2-clowns 2-pajama cardinals 1-manderin goby
  8. Lighting question??????

    What would be the best guess on the ratio of lighting white to actinic??? I do know it depends on what is in the tank and what look your loking for, however I was just wondering what the general rule is??
  9. ozone injection????

    By adding ozone injection to my exisiting skimmer will it increase the performance of it?? I saw a show on television that stated ozone what an excellent water purifier. I have a Aqua C Remora Pro skimmer. on a 40 gal reef.
  10. Manderin Goby Sex???

    I would like any help in Identify my manderin goby's sex? How do I tell what sex it is??
  11. Is this superglue good for propagation

    Any info on these two glues would be helpful???? 1) Loctite #460 Prism 2) Loctite #411 Prism gel
  12. Temperature control

    What size is your tank and also heater, you might want to switch to a heater with more wattage.
  13. please help me with my mandarin....

    :lol: Mine is nice and fat, he eats from the water column and also picks at the rocks and S/B. I feed the tank Marine snow and Frozen brine (SF bay brand).

    :D All you have to do is go to your local pharmacy and ask for a 5ml infant medicine dropper. Most will give it to you for free. Then just use it to directly suck up all the cyno. It works alright on hair algae too. I found it easier then using a vacuum because it sucks up a good amount and only...
  15. Problems with digital thermometer?

    try submersing it in a glass of icewater (must be ice with water in it). If your thermo. reads 32 deg. +/- 2 deg. then it works fine and is not out of calibration.
