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Recent content by Nanogasm

  1. Coral banded shrimp and PH help

    yeah, my cleaner shrimp gets very sluggy before a molt. I'd give it a few more days and keep your eyes open for a second, yet hollow shell of your banded shrimp.
  2. how long do you wait after you mix salt?

    Why do you need to wait at least 24 hours?
  3. Identification question

    I typed that in google, and for a minute I thought you had it. But those all are defined by having an intake and out-take 'hole' by which the water 'squirts' through. No such thing on these critters. :( I'm going to see if I can get my digi-cam fixed. It needs to get up and running anyways.
  4. Identification question

    Hi all, I really have to get my digi-cam fixed. For now, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. It is forming on my live rock. The biggest seems to be 2 cm (so far), and they are growing in clusters. Most are oval in shape, but some are irregular. They are a purplish-brown, with a white...
  5. Aquarium Background inside the tank !

    The big word you used there that is of quesion is, "stick". How are you going to stick it? Adhesives will surely not be a good mix with your tank inhabitants. Also, water "resistant" doesn't mean water "proof". I'm not sure if you would want to trust the chemicals used to make it resistant...
  6. problems w/ coralline

    Well, I'm not experienced enough to know if it is a calcium deficiency problem, but by comparison... my tank after 7 months has the live rock pretty much solid purple. My calcium is around 420.
  7. Surface scum

    Thanks for all the replies. I'm already aiming my main powerhead at the surface to stir up the slick, but it just keeps it clear where it points. Must be some thick slime up there. I like the idea about reducing the surface area of the overflow intake. I agree, the column water probably rushes...
  8. Surface scum

    Need some help from the fine people here. I'm trying to combat the oil slick on the top of my water. I have an overflow intake where the surface water should be pulled in and filtered, but it doesn't seem to be doing the job. Likewise, I have a Saline Solutions 40 hang-on skimmer, with the...
  9. Has this happened to you?

    I purchased some LR when I started out that had some of that colour on it. A slimy yellowish green. It had an almost waxy look to it. Everything is purple now, so in my case, it went away. And now that all my LR is all purple, I kinda miss it. :wink:
  10. purple whip woes

    My current setup doesn't have much flow on the whip, it just gets a 'draft' current. I have an extra powerhead kicking around, so I'll set that up opposite its position and give it some flow. There is also a nearby frag of yellow polyps, about an inch or so away. Could be part of the problem...
  11. purple whip woes

    I am currently experiencing a problem with my purple whip. In the past it has gone days where the polyps would remain retracted but never this long. It has been a week and a half. The stalk appears to look the same. Still purple. But considering these guys feed through their polyps I am...
  12. Feeding a Coral Beauty

    I took the advice of grabbing some frozen food specifically for the needs of angels. The coral beauty loves it. Funny enough, by the time I got it, he managed to develop a liking to the flake as well. At first I thought he was just too hungry to be picky, but now he eats both readily. Thanks...
  13. Good vibrations

    What is it with the vibrations power heads give off? My astrea snails love hanging onto the intake box, and now my brittle starfish has found it. It's like they're getting their jollies off this thing...
  14. Feeding a Coral Beauty

    Thanks Len. I appreciate your help.
  15. Feeding a Coral Beauty

    Hey everyone, I recently picked up a coral beauty angel. I researched its diet and the LFS confirmed that it would eat frozen and possibly some flake. However, it has been three days and he wont eat. He spits out the mysis shrimp and wont even go for the flake. He seems quite settled and...
