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Search results

  1. Rate your online supplier...

    Marinedepot- 8 for drygoods, 7 for livestock- got some not so healthy corals/fish. P.A.- 5- never have good selection of livestock and the 3 or 4 times I tried to order I got some nastiness from the employee. 7 for drygoods- out of stock on many items but great service and always quick to...
  2. Powder Blue Tang - Is LFS advice correct?

    My LFS, besides being grossly overpriced($30 for a Cleaner Wrasse that they probably shouldn't be selling anyway), has had a recent problem with their Saltwater displays that caused them to have to break down most of their tanks and start over. What did they do when the tanks were up and running...
  3. Stop the hypocrisy

    The intent of my original post was certainly not to justify anything, I would not even consider putting a tang in any tank under 55 gal. and I agree that most Tang sp. require quite a bit more room than that. (That said, the Scopas Tang in my 90 gal. tank spends his time slowly cruising the tank...
  4. Stop the hypocrisy

    Anyone else sick of hearing/reading the "you can't put x fish in y sized tank because said fish needs so much room to feel at home in a natural environment". Give me a break! Let's face it, we have these fish/organisms in our homes for our selfish pleasure. Any educational value is purely a...
  5. Brown worm with feathers?

    I recently purchased some macroalgae and I discovered a small, @1" long brown grub-like critter that has what look like feather-duster type worms sticking out at one end. The "feathers" are black and yellow colored. The organism seems to squirm when you pick it up. The only thing close to it...
  6. How about this: Biggest tang in captivity + tank size

    I was in a store in the Philadelphia area Monday and they had a Naso that had to be at least 8" in a tank that looked to be @20 gal. I was looking at that poor fish and hoping the small tank was just a temporary home or that someone would take him home to a much larger tank soon.
  7. Need advice re Anthelia

    I recently purchase an Anthelia Glauca through the mail. It is not looking well and I am looking for advice on how to deal with it. Most of the polyps are failing to open and about 1/3 of the stems are off-color. Any ideas on how to help resurrect this guy? At what point should I give up on...
  8. Is aquiring frags just to make us feel better?

    Life is full of hypocrisy. From the food we eat to the entertainment we pursue, we are a walking, talking contradiction. As long as we do our best to be responsible and minimize any negative impact our enjoyment of our hobby, be it reefkeeping, fishing, hunting, hanging out in bars chowing...
  9. Poll: What brand of salt does everyone use?

    The September, 2001 issue of Practical Fishkeeping Magazine did a study of the various salt mixes out there and they rated Instant Ocean the best overal salt. Reef Crystals, Kent Marine and Red Sea salt also were rated highly.
  10. How many corals in your tank?

    I'm just curious how many corals everyone keeps in their various tanks and how the number of inhabitants relates to the size and shape of the tanks. Thanks.
  11. arc eye hawkfish

    I've had an Arceye for @2 years. He has occasional skirmishes with my Hardwicke Wrasse and he seems tempted by the snails and hermits, but I have never seen him do any real damage. FWIW, he has grown @ 1" in 2 years.
  12. Whats your Favorite Tang?

    I like my Kole Tang very much but the Powder Blue sure is tough to beat. Too bad they are so much trouble.
  13. LFS in Syracuse area.

    I will be visiting my in-laws in Syracuse soon and I was wondering if there are any good stores within, say, 500... no make that 100, miles of Syracuse. Thanks.
