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  1. Check out this Bright Blue Carpet Anemone

    I am going to be buying a blue or green carpet anenome soon as well (as soon as i do all the research) how DO you differentiate from the dyed ones and the real ones? is there any definate way? thanks.
  2. New Cleaning Magnet

    My magfloat 350 for my 80gal works awsome! one of my better investments, takes off everything.
  3. Mag-Float

    Just got my mag350 for my 80gal tank. Man that thing is strong! does a really good job on the algae, even the tough to scrape off diatoms - it even took of some coraline for me!! well worth the 30(can) bucks i spent on it!
  4. new anenome or new clowns?

    Hey all, I have a 80gal tank moderately stocked tank. Right now i have a bta and 2 tank raise occelaris clowns, needless to say netiher are tanking to eachother. The clowns have no interst whatsoever, they just stay in their corner and never leave. my question was, do you think it would be...
  5. getting an anenome healthy...

    Hey, I picked up an bta from a lfs, it was only housed under 1 no actinic, so as u can guess it is pretty bleached. I knew they had no knowledge of how to keep them healthy so i decided to try and save it. Right now its in my 80gal tank that (for the moment) only has 4no bulbs on it (going...
  6. Mag-Float

    Hey, there is a thread at reefcentral about the same thing...check it out. http://www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38484
  7. Banggai's haven't danced again...

    Yes, they are well fed, i feed them from 3-5 times a day, usulaly plankton, glass worms, and blood worms..should this be sufficient?
  8. Banggai's haven't danced again...

    My Banggai's that i had did the "dance" for 2 days in a row about a month ago, and since then...nothing. In my 80gal i have 1 really big yellow tang who gives them a scare about once a day or so...nothing too big.. I just recently put in 50pounds of lr so i am not really expecting them to do...
  9. Is any here from/around Calgary Alberta ?!?!?

    I am looking for people to split a live rock order, this way we both save on shipping and get better deals. I was thinking of getting some combo of manado/premium figi at the 50pound range. Even if you will be in the area some time let me know. If you want to split and order, or know someone...
  10. Black Back Butterfly hardy? diet? etc.

    Hey, I was just wondering if anyone had any expriance with the black back butterfly, i was thinking of picking up one for my tank but wasn't sure on their hardiness. Can a school be kept in an 80gal tank (3 or so of em?). If you have any info, tips/tricks to keeping them healthy let me know...
  11. Does anyone know where i can get Conches in canada???

    Just wondering if anyone knew where i could get conches in canada (online stores or anywhere really) because i am having a huge problem finding them, even any online stores that have them and dont neccesarily say they deliver to canada would be good.....thanks
  12. can these fish go in a 7gal nano?

    Hey, I was planning on setting up a 7gal nano with 55wats (10k) of light and the following inhabitants, tell me what you think (good or bad) : 1 - clownfish (some kind, not sure yet) 2- banggai cardinals 1 - anenome (bta) some various corals. and some various cleanup critters. so what...
  13. Can a flame angel and a lemon peel go together in a reef?

    Hey, I was just wondering if i could put a flame angel and a lemon peel angel together in a reef aquarium, my tank is 80gals with just live rock right now..any insights would be appreciated.
  14. where can i buy a 7-12gal bowfront reef ready aquarium onlin

    Hey, Sorry for lack of info...was looking for one that had enough light built in, and maybe even a skimmer built in too...ffexpress has a similiar idea...but i dont like the look, plus they dont deliver to canada.
  15. where can i buy a 7-12gal bowfront reef ready aquarium onlin

    Hey, Just like the question says, anyone know where i can pick one up? They have to be able to deliver to canada though..thanks!
  16. Enough light for most corals?

    Hey, I have a 77gal tank (4'x2'x16") currently its just a fowler, but i wanted to put SOME corals, i didn't want sps corals, but rather lps and softies. My lighting so far is just 4 NO bubls (2 actinic 2 regular) i am going to add a 175wat 1200k metal halide light, givng me 335w or...
  17. 1200 Gallon tank First pics

    Hey, Was checking out your site, it doesn't seem to have any updated pics for a while, i was just wondering how it was going, and if you had any updated pics and info (what kinds of fish etc) thanks!
  18. Is there any good Marine Magazines to subscribe too?

    Hey, Just wondering if there were any good marine aquarium magazines that were worth subscribing too....thanks
  19. Where is your Reef Tank located in your house?

    mines in my room, have a small room and it takes up most of one wall....made a mistake and put it a little to close to the wall...to late now
  20. 5500k bulb - does it really have a yellow apperance?

    Hey, I was looking into buying a metal halide retrofit kit, and saw that it comes with a 5500k bulb, i am not going to put any corals that are TOO photosynthetic so i am not really worried about that. My question was does it cast a "yellowish" light on the tank, or is it still pretty white? thanks
