Why I Ditched GFO For an Algae Reactor

During all my years keeping reef tanks I have always stuck by what has worked for me and resisted change. For instance, I have had great results using metal halide lighting for my SPS dominated tanks and have resisted jumping on the LED bandwagon despite the success of others using this type of light. In fact, I like to use a particular “system” or a standard set of equipment to run a reef tank and have been hesitant to change an individual component given my fear it would upset the balance of the tank. One of those components is Granular Ferric Oxide (GFO) and I have always used it to keep phosphates in check, despite my love/hate relationship with it. On the plus side it is

Decodon puellaris, Deep-Sea Red Hogfish

Here’s a WOWZERS fish for you all this morning called a Decodon puellaris or a deep-sea red hogfish and this is the juvenile of that species. When older this crazy colorful little fish will loose a lot of these colors and markings and turn a dark orange or reddish color, still beautiful but nothing like his or her baby colors. For those of you wondering about size, this one here is about three inches in length. These fish are incredible little hunters and love brittle stars, crabs, shrimps and urchins, in fact it’s fish like this that keep most of the invertebrates hidden on the reef most of the day. On many occasions I have seen these fish picking on and trying to eat hermit crabs as well, they are true reef bullies and not as nice as they appear to be. This was another in the long list of cool finds from St

Waveline DC6000 Variable Flow Pump – Review

This is the new Waveline DC6000. For this review, we measured hydraulic head, flow rate, consumption, and cos(fi). In addition, the Waveline DC6000 is an electric pump with a dedicated digital controller, so we were able to measure all the values for each incremental...

Amphiprion nigripes in the wild

It is no surprise that clownfish make such popular photographic subjects.  Not only are they attractive, but unlike most fish, they tend not to swim away, choosing instead to hunker down in their hosts’ tentacles and stare resolutely at the...