Neptune Apex iOS App

The updated Neptune Apex iOS app is available free for download to your computer, mobile device. The new iOS app blends iOS and Apex Fusion for those with iPhones and iPads. This app requires an apex Fusion account and that your Apex is linked to Apex...

Fish Spotlight: Candycane Wrasse, Hologymnosus doliatus

Our Fish spotlight for today is the Candycane Wrasse, as it is commonly called when collected as a juvenile. Like many fish species, the Candycane wrasse changes in both coloration and body shape throughout it’s lifespan.  The name “candycane” was given to highlight the white and red strips present during the fishes juvenile stage of development.  However, the fish undergoes such a dramatic shift in appearance on the way to becoming an adult that the name “Candycane” is often dropped and the fish is referred to as a Pastel Ring Wrasse.  As the fish matures to adulthood, these wrasse drastically changes colors. Instead of the white and red horizontal stripes, the candycane wrasse turns green and blue, with a large faded yellow and black vertical bar just

Reef Threads Podcast #312

Captive-bred Coral Beauty from Biota, available from LiveAquaria, Diver’s Den. Photo courtesy Diver’s Den

This week is a short follow-up discussion about marine fish breeding. We talk more about Todd, Kathy Leahy’s work and her Reefs Magazine article, and look at all of the captive-bred/raised fish that are now commercially available from Diver’s Den and several wholesale sources. We encourage everyone to buy captive-raised marine fish whenever possible. You’ll save money. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Sources for captive-bred/raised marine fish:

LiveAquaria, Diver’s Den Quality Marine ORA Biota Marine Life Nursery Marine Breeding InitiativeNameEmail *