Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 4

Hybrids Like most pomacanthids, a fair bit of interspecies intermingling takes place in Apolemichthys, with the Flagfin Angelfish being especially adulterous. Longtime ichthyophiles will be familiar with the famed Armitage Angelfish—a wallet-emptying abomination whose...

Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 3

The Flagfin, Goldflake and Tiger Angelfishes A. trimaculatus, xanthopunctatus & kingi This pomacanthid triumvirate ranges widely in cost and availability, from the cheap and common trimaculatus, to the extraordinarily rare and punitively pricey...

Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 2

The Yellow-ear, Yellowtail and Griffis’ Angelfishes A. xanthotis, xanthurus & griffisi These three species form a clear and cohesive group that can be diagnosed by: 1) The mostly-black Chaetodontoplus-like patterning of...

Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 1

Among the marine angelfishes, the handful of species classified in Apolemichthys represent some of the more underappreciated members of their family available to the home aquarist. Despite their being hearty, attractive and oftentimes highly affordable, these fishes...