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MASNA’s 2015 Membership Drive

From the Marine Aquarium Society of North America:


MASNA Membership Drive 2015

The excitement has begun as MASNA starts their membership drive for 2015.

As a member of the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America you will become part of the largest non-profit organization of marine aquarium hobbyists and clubs.

Super Zooxanthellae found!

Super Zooxanthellae found!

Reefs in the Middle East experience some of the hottest temperatures. Photo by Daviddarom (C.C.)

New algae species helps corals survive in the hottest reefs on the planet

A new species of algae has been discovered in reef corals of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf where it helps corals to survive seawater temperatures of up to 36 degrees Celsius – temperatures that would kill corals elsewhere.

Science has barely scratched the surface for zoanthid species


The unexamined diversity in the ‘Coral Triangle’

Research on zoantharians, a group of animals related to corals and anemones, by researchers James Reimer of the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan, Angelo Poliseno of Universita Politecnica delle Marche in Italy, and Bert Hoeksema from Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Netherlands, has demonstrated how little we know about marine diversity in the so-called “center of marine biodiversity” located in the central Indo-Pacific Ocean.

Coral growth rate plummets in 30-year comparison

Coral growth rate plummets in 30-year comparison

This is an underwater photograph of coral and the life the it supports near Lizard Island. Credit: Carnegie Institution for Science President Matthew P. Scott

From Carnegie Institution

In a quest for historical context on the peril facing coral reefs, the team compared current measurements of the growth rate of a section of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef with similar measurements taken more than 30 years ago.

Corals are nature’s tiny engineers


From the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Coral organisms use minuscule appendages to control their environment, stirring up water eddies to bring nutrients


Conventional wisdom has long held that corals — whose calcium-carbonate skeletons form the foundation of coral reefs — are passive organisms that rely entirely on ocean currents to deliver dissolved substances, such as nutrients and oxygen.