the +/- .04 has me concerned now.
since we are aiming for low PO4 what if the meter is off and were not as low as we think we are. if I want to stay at .02 that means the meter can be showing .02 but the actual reading may be .06 or less than .02 which is not good either. it may not seem like much, but I got the meter to be as accurate as possible. finding out it's not as accurate as I thought is annoying.
since we are aiming for low PO4 what if the meter is off and were not as low as we think we are. if I want to stay at .02 that means the meter can be showing .02 but the actual reading may be .06 or less than .02 which is not good either. it may not seem like much, but I got the meter to be as accurate as possible. finding out it's not as accurate as I thought is annoying.