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the +/- .04 has me concerned now.

since we are aiming for low PO4 what if the meter is off and were not as low as we think we are. if I want to stay at .02 that means the meter can be showing .02 but the actual reading may be .06 or less than .02 which is not good either. it may not seem like much, but I got the meter to be as accurate as possible. finding out it's not as accurate as I thought is annoying.


chicks dig beckett men
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the +/- .04 has me concerned now.

since we are aiming for low PO4 what if the meter is off and were not as low as we think we are. if I want to stay at .02 that means the meter can be showing .02 but the actual reading may be .06 or less than .02 which is not good either. it may not seem like much, but I got the meter to be as accurate as possible. finding out it's not as accurate as I thought is annoying.

Jon, is it that the meter is off, or are you guys f'ing around too much. I hate to say it, but the instructions to me seemed pretty cut and dry. I've been using the thing for a few months and I love it. It seems each one of you has a different technique for testing and none are the same. None are IAW the instructions.
Does anyone need one of these? No, but I hold this high on my list of best equipment purchases. Any increase above 0.03 I find, I swap out my Phosban. Anything above 0.01 on my RO/DI, I swap out my DI resin.


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chris, what I meant is that the instructions say the meter's accuracy is +/- .04. so given this how do we know the base number we get is the right one.
I could have twice as much po4 as I think I do :(


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J, you have to take it with a grain of salt. That's why the accuracy number is there, give or take. If you guys want a more accurate meter then you have to dish out more money. It's the bottom line!


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chris, what I meant is that the instructions say the meter's accuracy is +/- .04. so given this how do we know the base number we get is the right one.
I could have twice as much po4 as I think I do :(

or twice as less. lol j/k.


chicks dig beckett men
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come on, Jon. Now you're splitting hairs. The experts of 10 years ago wish they had a piece of equipment like this available to them when they were using street lights to keep SPS. A month ago, a Salifert kit was good enough for us. +/- is a CYA type thing. Like on acne commercials when they still show a stray zit on the teen after treatment. They're saying nothing is perfect. We always assume the worst with a +/- rating, but they are usually spot on.
No I do not think the Hach is worth the extra $135 for a +/- of 0.015


Audi Sport
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it looks like my PO4 is stuck at .24. I tested the water form the tank and I tested the water coming out of my phosban and I got the same readings. Do I need to change the phosban?


chicks dig beckett men
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That would be a good indication that your phosban isn't doing anything. Or at least not much. I would change it. The stuff doesn't last as long as the package says it does. At the same time though, it's not like water running through Phosban is going to come out the other end significantly lower. It takes time for the stuff to remove PO4.
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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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does anyone in Jersey have one of these meters? I am curious to see what my P04 reads using Ultralith and no other form of P04 remover.


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Ok, tested everything again.

I flushed my RO/DI unit for about 15 minutes then tested it again.

RO/DI = .02 (.001 TDS)

Tank = .08

added 100mL RowaPhos in a FR509.

FR509 Output = .02

mixed 5 gallons of Seachem ReefSalt to 1.025

ASW = .01 (interesting that is tested lower than my RO/DI)


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My Procedure for the tests are as follows:
Clean cuvet with cloth
Fill cuvet with sample
Turn ON meter
Screw on black cover to cuvet
Clean cuvet with cloth
Hold up to light to make sure glass is clean
Insert into meter
Open reagent packet
Remove cuvet and unscrew black cover
Add reagent (tapping packet lightly)
Start timer on meter
Clean cuvet of reagent powder
Insert plactic seal to covet
Screw on black cover
Clean cuvet with cloth
Hold to light to make sure glass is clean
Mix/Shake to dissolve powder
Till meter reads 2:00 minutes
Insert into meter and wait for reading

Cleaning procedure:
Rinse cuvet with RO/DI
Fill again and screw on black cover and shake
Rinse cuvet again
Fill again and insert plactic cover and shake
Rinse cuvet again.
Return everything to the box.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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how much does this go for and where can you get it

Almost every online vendor and probably even some MR vendors. Price range ~$80.00.

Stop being lazy and search :usa1:

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does anyone in Jersey have one of these meters? I am curious to see what my P04 reads using Ultralith and no other form of P04 remover.

Wes take the PATH to 6th ave and walk down to me, it's a ten minute walk at most. PM me to set up a time. OR :idea: someone might bring there meter to the swap to run tests, are you going to that?

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