The hardest thing about this BB is to understand what a person truly means by his words. Throw in an emotionaly charged topic, an inability to read anothers nonverbal postures and we have a complete breakdown in communication.
You were close to what I meant. Australians are the first to pay the price for how we, the whole global community of aquarists goofed. We will all feel the effects though. If we would have supported tank raised purchases we would have been able to avoid these bans. The two fisheries in Puerto Rico are struggling because it does cost more to tank raise SW fish than wild caught right now. If We would have supported these from the start just think how fast this would have spread.
To a complete novice what do you think they derive from the fact that most freshwater species are tank raised but very few SW fish are. It is not that we can not successfuly spawn these fish in captivitity it is that we as hobbist refuse to pay the additional cost.
I am not down on Austrailia or the people of this country. What You all have done for the Leafy Seadragon is what humanity and Aquaria is all about. That is a outstading program from top to bottom. When I speak I include the global communnity. I love the country I live in but I have stepped on all the continents except Austrailia and Antarticia. Your Problems are my problems we all win or we all lose.
I have spoke mainly of fish propagation because it is the biggest eyesore right now. It is a shame this is a ban on coral because that side of the house has had the best advancements. It is all interconnected in how we are viewed by others.
[ June 16, 2001: Message edited by: Fishaholic ]
The hardest thing about this BB is to understand what a person truly means by his words. Throw in an emotionaly charged topic, an inability to read anothers nonverbal postures and we have a complete breakdown in communication.
You were close to what I meant. Australians are the first to pay the price for how we, the whole global community of aquarists goofed. We will all feel the effects though. If we would have supported tank raised purchases we would have been able to avoid these bans. The two fisheries in Puerto Rico are struggling because it does cost more to tank raise SW fish than wild caught right now. If We would have supported these from the start just think how fast this would have spread.
To a complete novice what do you think they derive from the fact that most freshwater species are tank raised but very few SW fish are. It is not that we can not successfuly spawn these fish in captivitity it is that we as hobbist refuse to pay the additional cost.
I am not down on Austrailia or the people of this country. What You all have done for the Leafy Seadragon is what humanity and Aquaria is all about. That is a outstading program from top to bottom. When I speak I include the global communnity. I love the country I live in but I have stepped on all the continents except Austrailia and Antarticia. Your Problems are my problems we all win or we all lose.
I have spoke mainly of fish propagation because it is the biggest eyesore right now. It is a shame this is a ban on coral because that side of the house has had the best advancements. It is all interconnected in how we are viewed by others.
[ June 16, 2001: Message edited by: Fishaholic ]