- Location
- Baiting Hollow Long Island NY
other than saving money on buying salt, how beneficial can the NSW be if you are treating it with Clorox? The bleach will kill all the beneficial bacteria you're looking to add to your system. At that point, it's almost like adding ASW. You've obviously got all the essential and trace elements in the water, but none of the good bacteria.
Swimmer. I very rarely treat NSW. I only do that if I think there is a red tide or if it smells.
I am not interested in the life in the sea water, it will die in my reef anyway, I am looking for the trace elements. For bacteria I collect amphipods along with the associated mud to add to my tank. NSW is not like ASW. It is a completely different animal. If I had the time I would use 100% NSW. Today I collected dozens of snails and some unknown eggs for my Sound tank but unfortunately one of the girls got hurt and I forgot them on my boat. I will probably have a smelly mess tomorrow and I will have to collect again. There is a chance that the stuff will still be alive but I will still dump it back in and get new stuff. In the tide pool where I collect there are about 1,000,000 snails, ( I counted) so that is not a problem. I also collected some associated mud which I will add.
The water is a little cold but I still stayed in for 45 minutes or so. Hopefully tomorrow will be as nice as today and I will collect a nice batch of stuff. The amphipods are out in force and I will get a few thousand.
Have a great night and a better day tomorrow.
Take care
PS Bob it is one tablespoon of "Regular" Clorox to 5 gallons. It MUST be "Regular" Clorox or you will kill everything in your tank in seconds (don't ask)
You need to keep the Clorox in there for a week then add twice the amount of chlorine remover and airate. If it still smells like chlorine, don't use it yet. It will disapate eventually.
Don't add Clorox to your tank
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