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Paul B

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Paul forgot to mention it was only a 1/4 mile walk from the boat to the shore :lol2:

Oh yeah I have to remember to get an amphibious vehicle so we don't have to walk in the water. :tub:I can just drive right up on the mud.
As we made it to the beach someone( I forgot who it was) said
"Oh look, a snail" I said "do you see all that gravel behind you" that is not gravel, it is snails.

DontXtripNfall we diden't see any of those but we did have to harpoon a lot of the larger amphipods
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Port Washington
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Paul is this by Leeds Pond? Looks familiar.


Paul B

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Yes I think it is. I sent that picture and this one to the Port Washington highway department twice in two years to tell them the road is being undercut because those rocks fell down. They don't seem to care. When a truck falls through the roadway into the water they will fix it.


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Midtown - East
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If they don't fix it after your attempts then I think a couple of nice sized fireworks in the middle of the night would be fun. You might even prevent injuries to others in the future.


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whew... another great time, thanks once again Paul.
You did a good job at review this last trip... afterwards we all went back to Wingos' hood for some yummy chinese food :)
Then I took him to my house to show him my empty tanks :lol:
My leg is starting to get red and swollen and I think I will have to have a Dr. have a look at it for some antibiotics.
I will post pics tomorrow, I left my flashcard home.


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Staten Island
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Paul, thanks for having us all on your boat and meeting me early for breakfast. It was a UNIQUE and FUN experience. BTW the breakfast was great and my wife enjoyed the baklava. I'm glad you found those beers on the boat.
Thanks Wingo for hooking me up with some of your shrimp. I have no idea why all my 1/2 million shrimp in the 5 gal. bucket died on the way back. Funny watching you float around in the water for half an hour while we positioned the boat 5 feet closer to shore. I see your inside out pockets in the pictures.
Boozeman, you went down like a ton of bricks but like a true champ you saved your camera. Take care of your war wounds and wear them with pride. You earned them. Lets post them pictures.
Sorry I couldn't carpool with you Tobin. Hopefully you made it to Mikes place. Cancel that macroalgae order as I now have tons of Sea lettuce & other weird algae in the tank now. Good seeing you again.
Jonathan, nice meeting you and thanks for waiting and getting me back to the expressway. Enjoyed your company.
Great trip guys..........

Paul B

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SIReefer I also have no idea why your 1/2 million shrimp in a five gallon bucket kicked the bucket. I also enjoyed the breakfast, great place isn't it. Booze ate Kung Pow grass shrimp for breakfast with Wingo.
Good thing he did, all that corn starch stopped the bleeding in his leg.
Booze I stopped the bleeding on mine with a blow torch when I got home.
It's the manly thing to do.
Jonathin, those are the best pictures I have ever seen in my life. You made a mud hole look like Tahiti. Fantastic, even the closeup of an amphipod, you can see it's antlers. I am really glad you came.
Is Wingo Asian? I diden't notice.
He does bob around the boat well though. And he is really into his pods and shrimp.
He did help with the maneuvering and anchoring and is an asset to have along. I had to get the boat into just the right depth of water so the sissies, I mean my passengers were comfortable getting into the water. Next time I was thinking of hiring out of work supermodels (who are ususlly over 6') to carry us to shore, but the price will have to go up a couple of bucks.
The boat overheating problem is because this year for the first time, I decided I was getting too old to install the outdrive on the boat myself. I have always done it with some help to lift it. It is a Volvo Penta with two props and weighs about 100lbs. It is very hard to lift while on your knees and align the splines to bolt it on.
I hired the mechanic at the marina. Big mistake, he left off the seawater intake hose meaning when I go slow the hose is in the water and everything is fine so it can suck up seawater but when you go fast, it is off the stern of the boat and it becomes out of water sucking air. This of course causes the engine to overheat which it also did last week causing me to melt two water pumps and an exhaust hose. Now I will have to fight the marina to haul the boat to connect the hose with no cost to me. I can't do it underwater, it is hard enough to do it on land.
I had a good time as I always do. I am glad you guys enjoyed it.


How many is too many?
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Pics look awesome JH!
Paul if you decide to tackle the job yourself i can give you a hand this weekend if the marina wont cooperate. All these pics and posts are making me jealous that i couldnt make it! Hopefully next time! On a side note i did run down to HH and collected a bunch of grass shrimps a few weeks ago. My fish and eels loved them! I need more LOL


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Paul thanks for the compliments, I had a great time meeting everyone.
I'm glad you figured out the problem with the boat, but what a pain to have to deal with the marina that way, good luck. Now that I'm prepared for the hike to shore I'll know to bring a dry bag for the camera stuff. It would have been nice to get pics of wingo trying to touch the bottom :D

My observation of the grass shrimp in my reef is that they like to form little groups. I have not observed them eating anything yet, and I don't think any of the fish have tried to eat them. My ocilaris clownfish got very upset they were in her area and kept chasing them away, that was about the only danger the shrimp were ever in.
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They peck on the sand bed, rocks and such all the time in microscopiic movements.

Paul thanks for the compliments, I had a great time meeting everyone.
I'm glad you figured out the problem with the boat, but what a pain to have to deal with the marina that way, good luck. Now that I'm prepared for the hike to shore I'll know to bring a dry bag for the camera stuff. It would have been nice to get pics of wingo trying to touch the bottom :D

My observation of the grass shrimp in my reef is that they like to form little groups. I have not observed them eating anything yet, and I don't think any of the fish have tried to eat them. My ocilaris clownfish got very upset they were in her area and kept chasing them away, that was about the only danger the shrimp were ever in.

Paul B

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CB747, Chris, thanks but I need them to haul the boat to connect the hose. It is a 1" hose and it is very short and behind the outdrive. You need two needle nose pliers to pull it to the fitting and someone else to put on the clamp. Stupidest design I ever saw. Each year I curse the engineer who designed it.
The grass shrimp will eat flake food. They will attack it when it falls near them but they don't see very well. You can see the food in their stomach as they swallow it. Those shrimp live a long time as I still have some from last year.
I will check out the tide table to see when I can go again. Even if I don't repair that hose on the boat by then, we can still get to the collection site.
There are other sites even better but the boat has to be working well. The best site is on private property and lately they will not let me go there. It is about two miles from where we were and at the turn of the century it was a sailing ship harbor. Now it is all silted up and only a foot deep. The best site is a little further, actually about 45 minutes away but it is about a mile square and even has lots of turtles, diamond back terripins to be exact. Of course they are protected and I don't bother them or even tell people the location.

Paul B

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Bad news, Boozeman spent the night in the hospital from the scrape on his leg he got from the barnacles on the rocks. It got infected and they are giving him antibiotics. He feels he will be out today and on oral antibiotics but he is not sure.
I wish him well.
As was said, collecting is a dangerous sport especially on those rocks which are the same rocks I got cut 2 weeks ago. In the future we will not be climbing on the rocks.

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