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inkblue said:
a Nazi slogan sparked this discussion.
I only saw the beginnings of that thread and I don't know Reefoman personally.

edited by jhale

maybe you could have just asked him to take off a slogan (which without any historical context isn't inflammatory) because it might be considered offensive to others and maybe he would have been happy to do so. Did any of you think maybe he just liked the slogan and didn't understand its historical significance like some of you do?

Personally, I would have handled the situation differently.
DaRealDvs1 said:
Your guilty conscious must be talking, because I did not address this to anyone in particular.
With all the labeling he has recieved I would be defensive also.
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Pseudo said:
I'm down for Vodka :)

Listen...As far as the topic of discussion is here. I understand that people are offended about the slogan. Lets not just crucify anyone yet. I as a Union Delegate had to reprimand a "kid of 22 years of age" who came to work in a t-shirt that said "nigga" on it.As innapropriate the shirt was, I didn't jump to the conclusion that he was racist or such. It was just that.. Inappropriate attire that offended other workers and the public. The job has a set of rules of conduct that were established just for that reason. But in America we have free speach right. NO.. I certain instances it is deemed neccessary to "censor" language or behavior that is dangerous. Like yelling fire in a movie theatre.

Well it just so happened that one individuals choice of avatar slogan was, shall we say, not the best choice for an open forum where others are subjected to something they deemed morally reprehensible. It was removed and the situation still exists. Why?? Because now even though it is no longer there for everyone to see, the thought that someone used that particular expression as their slogan makes them "ASSUME" that that person thinks like that, is like that, and believes in what happened at that particular place.

I have never heard him say anything on this board or in person that would make me believe him to be so. Until I hear those words come from his mouth or typed on this board you need to lay back and get a grip. It was handled. He's upset because he is being assaulted from all sides and no one is accepting his explanation. Give him a chance. I would hate to be wrong but I would rather err on the side of caution and wait.



PS: Keep on reefing and enjoying the thing that we all come to this board for. Josh has done a wonderful thing making this a place where we can all come together as a NYC/NJ/Conn community. Remember when this was "MANHATTAN REEFS" !!! Not Tri-State Reefs (Hmm maybe we should change the name huh ??) :)

Keep it simple.

Herman PLEASE break out the Scotch for me and Rich. I am coming today..... PLEASE

kasei i think you are so right in this whole lotta wrong here. =D
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yessongs said:
Religion & politics should not be talked about on the board.
Albert, in DRZL thread said how you should marry a virgin, why marry i girl thats been used.
Making love to a girlfriend is not using her. Its live.
And about unions if you dont like your pay get another job, its not that easy.
Am i union carpenter and had my own shoes when i got married, and talking to other people at the holiday party''s they sad "he's an ass"
The MTA broke a BS law but they will pay for what they did, just like when i park at a expired meter, i pay.
He doesn't know about unions.
Something i sent to mike in a pm.

"4 yrs of school safety courses, correct codes, reading blue prints, CPR and a few others. The thing contractors get to bid on the job, it goes down by penny's so when the union contractor gets out bid, and cant pay us $42hr without OT
and another $28 for coverage, annuity, pension, and$4:40 hr for vacation. The SCAB pays his carpenters $15-$25 hr and keeps the rest for himself. Which can be up to $75-$85 $ a hr per man. So who's the thief? but we build places like All of Trump's buildings, AIG, Credit Suisse First Boston, Bloomberg building, Cond? Nast, Citi Bank & others for $42hr + bennys
Sorry to vent, But its been on my mind since he posted.
Having not participated in the original thread, was there any point to this being in this thread or were you trying to settle old scores?


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Brooklyn, NY
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paul, that was my sentiments exactly when this first went down, but in posts he responded defiantly, as his right to do in this country, but not here. others have been wrong and made some bone head statements, but as adults we must take responsibilities for our actions, and say "didnt mean to offend..", as much as im down for the "benfit of the doubt". I feel atonement and respect for other MR members is needed.


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Gee Paul do we need another fight on our hands ? Dont make me come up there!! Uggh will you guys find me a beer or something... ok ok I got to go out for a bee... soda run. Play nice ;)


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please do not make matters worse by posting supostitions and what you think happened, that is not helping the issue at all.

I'm going to edit the posts to remove the rumor theories then the discussion can continue along the original intent of this thread.

thank you for understanding

Howell, NJ
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jhale said:
please do not make matters worse by posting supostitions and what you think happened, that is not helping the issue at all.

I'm going to edit the posts to remove the rumor theories then the discussion can continue along the original intent of this thread.

thank you for understanding


WELL SAID....... :banghead: :banghead:


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I think you're all a bunch of losers!
This is a place for people to talk about reef subjects, if you want to talk about something else there is a whole internet out there full of millions of other boards and sites. Take all that other crap some place else. I have seen this site spiral downward in the last few months as the subjects moved away from reefing and onto other subjects. Its hard to have to wade through the piles of useless or off topic posts to read anything interesting. When I am on MR i want to talk about reef stuff when i want to talk about something else i go some place else, either another site or outside, up the street.
I havent bought into any of these earlier threads because i am not interested in anyones opinions outside of reefing but its hard t see a sight that you found interesting and informative three years ago just degenerate into crap.


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Brooklyn, NY
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all losers, um NO!...Denigrated to crap, by far wrong! agree do i on all ur other points, i do.

a healing process must take over and this discussion is the first step...

i hope to c that my post is the last.....my emotional slate is clear i would hope every1 elses is too....

peace to all,


Brooklyn , NY
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I using this fu@$#n slogan from couple months , and what? why before nobody don't asked me to remove it ?
I'm from country where this slogan is still "a live", and I understand it better than you all together guys .
For one is bad, for milions is true .
All live you working hard and you don't have nothing , just when you go away from this world so you are really free .
Through whole life you listen lies and promises and so? nothing happens really, because government thinks only about itself and has you in ass .
I'm does not interest who invented this slogan, I said already earlier, for me it sounds logically .
Everybody can interpret this severally, for this people using mind, but someone made me of someone who am I not .
I do not feel guilty and it does not need any chance, because I did not nothing wrong for me is only couple words .
Someone was bored and he looked for aggressions, so I see he found it .
I never directed one's aggression to nobody !!!
Or you will understand this at last or remove me from this forum please, because I do not want to read any more about this stupid thinks .
Guys, start to talk about aquariums, corals and fish because this is more comprehensible .

Sorry for my really bad english, but I hope you gonna understand what I mean .

No personal information please from Kasei
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reefoman said:
I using this fu@$#n slogan from couple months , and what? why before nobody don't asked me to remove it ?
I'm from country where this slogan is still "a live", and I understand it better than you all together guys .
For one is bad, for milions is true .
All live you working hard and you don't have nothing , just when you go away from this world so you are really free .
Through whole life you listen lies and promises and so? nothing happens really, because government thinks only about itself and has you in ass .
I'm does not interest who invented this slogan, I said already earlier, for me it sounds logically .
Everybody can interpret this severally, for this people using mind, but someone made me of someone who am I not .
I do not feel guilty and it does not need any chance, because I did not nothing wrong for me is only couple words .
Someone was bored and he looked for aggressions, so I see he found it .
I never directed one's aggression to nobody !!!
Or you will understand this at last or remove me from this forum please, because I do not want to read any more about this stupid thinks .
Guys, start to talk about aquariums, corals and fish because this is more comprehensible .

Sorry for my really bad english, but I hope you gonna understand what I mean .

IM srry to bud in here ,But for the record ,The slogan was a offence to the jewish commiunty not ot mention non jewish as well ,,If anyone here had any Family make it or not make through the Holocaust then you might feel what we did,Some things are just ment to stay in your mind and not brought up as a racsit ,When you bring such thing to publlic view it may spark up more fire then you think ,I ost Family in the Holocaust so any Nazis slogan brought up i wil and many other will take offence to it,
I dont think you are allowed to put a swat sticker is that againist the law ,so is racial slurs Srry but this is pissing me off ,it is not exceptable in my eyes to have Nazis slogans on avatars
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1 Question ,reefoman
did you do a google sreach on your slogan .if not you should see what comes up when yoou do ,Then come back on the board and say that you thinks its right!!!
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