Reefspy’s charming 180 gallon mixed reef

There hasn't been a whole lot of aquarium-relevant scientific papers published this month (or this year for that matter). Fortunately there are still a lot of really wonderful aquariums. This is Reefspy's 180g mixed reef. "True" mixed reef tanks are a rare breed these days, so we love it when we see healthy examples.

Lionfish Hunting at Night

I’ve had the privilege of diving with a huge range of predators, from sharks to cone shells, but time after time, the Lionfishes still impress me, especially at...

Fossil Sea Lillies on cold UK shores

A little while ago, I posted some images of a fossil coral reef, a few miles from my home in Berwickshire, on Scotland’s east coast.  Since then I’ve explored a little further, even venturing into England, to find more fossils and ancient sea beds; I was...

Coming soon from Fauna Marin: Coral Dust

Fauna Marin will soon be introducing to the U.S. market what it’s calling “particle-based food…perfected.” Formally known as Ricordea and Zoathus food, Coral Dust takes particle-based feeding to a whole new level, applying the effectiveness of Ric / Zoa food and making it even better. Feed…the natural way Fauna Marin Coral Dust contains natural food particles that have been perfectly formulated with special proteins and particulate plankton. No binders, fillers or unwanted ingredients – just quality natural food for your coral. Perfect for all Ricordea, Zoanthids, Goniopora, and other LPS coral. Fauna Marin Coral Dust will soon be available for purchase in the United States, with pricing and availability announced shortly. SOURCE: Fauna Marin

Coral thief caught on tape

Surveillance cameras captured footage of a well-dressed man brazenly stealing corals and clams from A&R Aquarium (St. Petersburg, FL). Teng Lin, the accused, is now out of jail and charged with grand theft.