Aquarium Automation: The Theiling Rollermat and Other Web-Filtering Technologies

The Theiling Rollermat The problem For the longest time, I have been trying to lengthen the maintenance interval for the filter socks on my 450-gallon system, which currently clog every two days. I tried eliminating filter socks completely for a period of time, but the sump got extremely messy and turned into a nitrate bank. The next option was to try 200-micron-mesh socks, which did help extend the replacement period, but they did not polish the water as well and eventually still clogged over a period of time. The solution Following my mantra to automate my system as much as possible, I looked into the Theiling Rollermat. It works by collecting overflow water that is gravity fed into the chamber and forcing it through the fleece to exit the sump, which is located in the center of the rolling web cage. After reviewing the specifications and checking the experiences of others who adopted it a year earlier, I believed this was the next step. The Theiling Rollermat initially comes with a shorter roll than the normal replacement 6” wide x 147’ long filter fleece roll

Cruise ship crash causes major damage to pristine Indonesian reef

The Caledonian Sky, owned by British company Noble Caledonia Damage accidentally ran aground on a pristine Indonesian coral reef could total well into the millions of dollars in damages, according to environmental groups working in the region. Researchers for Conservation International Indonesia (CII), Papua State University and the Regional Technical Implementing Unit (UPTD) found that the grounding of the 297 foot Caledonian Sky cruise ship on March 4th caused massive damage to several reefs that are unique to Raja Ampat, a remote and idyllic island chain west of Indonesia’s Papua province. “The types of reefs that were damaged by the ship are Genus Porites, Acropora, Pocillopora , Tubastrea, Montipora, Stylopora, Favia and Pavites. It will take decades to restore the reefs,” Ricardo Tapilatu, who headed the research, told

Let’s talk Corals! Elegance Coral

For this episode, we traveled to Plant City, Florida to speak to our friend Chris Meckley of ACI Aquaculture about one of our favorite LPS coral, the Elegance Coral. From survival rates, tips, origins and what to look for and about aquaculturing them, we covered...