Michael D. Phelps
  • Michael D. Phelps

    I'm an 18 year old with 26 years of experience. I live in the southeast corner of South Dakota with my wife, the 3 of 7 children who still live at home, two dogs and a whole bunch of fish. I've been keeping fish prisoner in glass boxes for 37 years.

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Stomatopod Communication: Synchronized Rumbling

Stomatopod Communication: Synchronized Rumbling

For years science has known that O. Scyllarus communicate with one another by sending beams of polarized light from den to den along the coral reefs. But recently ScienceDaily reported that a team of researchers that included two students from the University of Miami...

HM Digital Announces PH-80 Hydrotester Release

HM Digital Announces PH-80 Hydrotester Release

HM Digital is a well trusted manufacturer of electronic testing equipment that so many of us in the hobby use and enjoy. Today they announced the release of the new PH-80 pH  HydroTester. A compact handheld pH checker that looks similar to a handheld TDS meter and...

Coral Reefs & Corn Fields

Coral Reefs & Corn Fields

Education and awareness are the most powerful tools we have to ensure that future generations will be as concerned for the well being of Planet Earth's oceans and reefs as most of us in the hobby are today.  I believe in this very strongly. No matter if it's a...

Talk about skid marks!

Talk about skid marks!

Almost like a scene straight out of Steven Spielbergs "Jaws" these researchers off of the coast of South Africa found themselves face to face with a 1/2 ton, PO'd Great White Shark....on the boat with them! The shark leaped out of the water after becoming disoriented...

Pay it Forward: Newbie Booster

Pay it Forward: Newbie Booster

Whether you have been in the hobby since the time when one had to snorkel and collect their own corals or only have a couple years experience under your belt, one thing holds true - we all were Newbies at one point.  Quite a few newcomers have all the heart but not...

DIY: Money Saver or Shredder

DIY: Money Saver or Shredder

Let's face it, this is an expensive hobby. I've read signature lines written by forum members like "I have the key to making a small fortune, start with a large one and then take up reefing". Because of the cost involved with even mid-range priced equipment, many...

Eshopps Frag Rock Revisited

Eshopps Frag Rock Revisited

It seems I jumped the gun a bit when I announced the new Eshopps Realistic Frag Rock. In an email from one of my good friends at Eshopps I was informed that the rock I received was the same type of sample that all of the authorized Eshopps distributors recieved. The...

Eshopps Realistic Frag Rock

Eshopps Realistic Frag Rock

Every once so often I'll receive a box in the mail from my good friends at Eshopps. It's usually some new item that they've come up with and would like me to use, review and write about. Today was one of those days but with a twist. I was only vaguely aware that the...

Beware the Whelk

Beware the Whelk

As more newcomers enter the hobby, it seems that more livestock retailers enter the industry. Unfortunately, this means that some new businesses may be in it purely for the profit, and lack of knowledge or greed on their part may put your current livestock at risk....

Odontodactylus havanensis, the False Peacock Mantis

Odontodactylus havanensis, the False Peacock Mantis

One of the greatest parts of this hobby is the seemingly endless choice of creatures we can select from and keep in our marine aquariums. If you've been considering making a Mantis shrimp a pet and if you wouldn't mind a smaller sized smasher then read on inside When...