Terry Siegel

Recent Content

A Salty Thumb

A Salty Thumb


Having a green thumb is the term that is often assigned to people who are good at keeping indoor and/or outdoor plants, whether they be for consumption or their attractiveness. However, when it comes to keeping or maintaining a beautiful coral garden in a closed system there doesn’t appear to be a similar term.…

Editorial: Terry Siegel’s 10-foot reef

Editorial: Terry Siegel’s 10-foot reef


As some of the readers of Advanced Aquarist and before that Aquarium Frontiers may know I am the editor of both publications. Several years ago due to the cost of electricity and a variety of other things I converted my 10-foot reef tank into a Dutch style freshwater planted tank.…

Terry Siegel Interview, Part II

Terry Siegel Interview, Part II

Reefs Magazine is very pleased to be able to continue our in-depth conversation with the inimitable Terry Siegel.  RM: Earlier on you mentioned the Berlin Method of reef keeping. Can you say a little more about that? TS: Julian [Sprung] of course was an exponent of...

Editorial: April 2011

Editorial: April 2011

Since I’ve been keeping in captivity marine fish for better than 40-years I think it might be of interest to some of our readers for me to do a series of editorials on some of the more problematic fish I’ve had over those years.…

Editorial: March 2010

Editorial: March 2010

As I promised in my last editorial here is an update on the progress of my 10-foot, 500-gallon freshwater community aquarium. Along with a series of photos I just took I’ll record how I maintain the biotope, with some water quality measurements.…

Editorial: November 2010

Editorial: November 2010

As many of you know I have been keeping tropical fish, plants, and invertebrates for over 60-years — both freshwater and saltwater. When I think back to my earlier years in our hobby I realize that our knowledge of what it is and how do we keep it alive has increased enormously over those years.…

Editorial: October 2010

Editorial: October 2010

Reef keepers have known for a long time that reef aquariums which contain a large number of fish that are well fed tend to have an increasing amount of phosphate in the water. This is a serious problem, because a phosphate level greater than 0.5 ppm interferes with the ability of hermatypic corals to calcify.…