MACNA 2017: Easy Reefs

I must admit, Easy Reefs was a surprising (in a good way) discovery at MACNA 2017. The company somehow slipped my attention prior to the show, and I’m glad I lurked at their booth for a good long while, educating myself about this unique manufacturer from...

Is This Spotted Surgeonfish A New Species?

A recent expedition to some of the most remote reefs in the South Pacific has yielded an especially exciting discovery for surgeonfish fans. Earlier this summer, biologists from Conservation International and the Auckland Museum set sail on a six-week journey into the...

How to Live Stream a Webcam to YouTube

Are you thinking about setting up a live webcam for your aquarium or something else you would like to broadcast or monitor in real time?  If so, read on! For years I have employed webcams to monitor my reef tanks while I was away from home.  They provide me with peace of mind when I am on vacation or a business trip and they allow me to show off the tank to someone who has never seen it in person. Two Types of Live Streaming: Private & Public There are two basic types of setups: one for private viewing and another for public consumption on a streaming platform such as YouTube.  Today I employ both types.  For private viewing I use a Nest Cam to monitor my

Aquatical-Latin: Latin for Aquarists

I just discovered a wonderful tool for anyone interested in the etymology and current meaning of the Latin names of aquatic species: it’s called Aquatical Latin. The website,, is a thorough resource for aquarists, naturalists, anglers,...