Microalgae, Why Grow It?

Microalgae. We have all heard of the microscopic organisms that use light to grow. But why should we raise it? In the ocean, microalgae is at the bottom of the food chain. The plankton feed of it, get energy, and give that energy to the fish and crustaceans that eat...

Air China offers Hope to Sharks!

The trade in shark fins gets many conservation-minded folks pretty darn mad. Every year, an estimated 73 million sharks are killed solely for their fins, to be then chucked back into the ocean to suffer a slow, unpleasant death.…

Ruby Seadragon seen live for the first time!

Phyllopteryx dewysea was described in 2015 based on trawled specimens from Western Australia. Scientists searched the deep waters off the Australian coastline in an attempt to film living Ruby Seadragons in their natural setting. In April 2016: success! This weekend, researchers published the first live video of the mythical seahorse.

Reef Kids: Dead Fish Hats

Winter is definitely upon us! Here in New England, it’s officially hat season – from now until mid-to-late April, mothers across the region will insist that their children cover their heads before going outside, which can either be a huge struggle or an...

The PowerRay Fishfinder

The PowerRay Fishfinder, an innovative new underwater drone from PowerVision, promises to “change the fishing world”, but its real-world applications could be just as exciting to us aquatic hobbyists and...

Anthias Explosion

As 2017 gets underway I’ve been reviewing my underwater images from the last eighteen months or so. I keep coming back to this one that I’ve decided to call ‘Anthias...

How To Shoot Macro Video Without a Macro Lens

A few weeks ago I provided a step by step guide on how to use a Canon DSLR to stream live to Facebook. You can check out that out here. I want to follow that up with a neat trick I learned while learning how to stream live to Facebook. As many of you know, DSLR cameras have a digital zoom feature that allows you to zoom in very closely to focus on the subject matter. With my Canon 5D Mark iii I am able to zoom in 5x as well as 10x. The rub is you can’t snap pictures or record video to the camera at these ultra close ranges, as macro lenses and extension tubes are the primary means to get close (I have heard